I live in a bigger city but I’m currently residing in a cabin in the woods, away from civilization. It has got a fire place going, some basic stuff and lots of board games etc. It also has a nice garden thing where you can just chill out for a bit. There’s beautiful woods surrounding it where you can walk.

I like living in the city, with all its chaos. But whenever I’m out in nature I feel this immense rest coming over me. I don’t know if I can actually live here, but for now it’s good. My gf’s family is talking about buying property in rural Sweden and they want to build a house there, one where the kids can always visit. I like the idea of living a rural simple life. Can’t leave the city now though, with all the activism going on. Bit harder to radicalize the deers in the woods.

  • DankZedong OPA
    41 year ago

    Same. I’m a city rat but I feel like I’ll eventually move out and live around nature.