Around 2 months ago I made some experiments with tilemaps on Godot 4 beta 2, but I noticed that framerates were really low even when literally nothing was happening.

Then I had an idea, “What if I had a blank texture and just drew the tiles on it?” which was easier said than done, but I finally achieved it last night!

I used shaders for this, which means that the hexagons are never pixelated no mater how much they are zoomed in and it’s really fast.

And now you may ask: “What are you gonna use this for?” I have no idea, I never thought I would get this far! lol

  • Al-AndalusianOPM
    31 year ago

    An open source game engine, I think it can also do things other than games but it primarily does games. I love it, it’s really easy to use, even more than Unity (and it uses actual pixels for coordinates instead of arbitrary units).