• cfgaussianOP
    10 months ago

    I think you have missed the point of the article. It is not talking about the Syrian army taking the Zionist entity head on in a conventional conflict. It is fighting them by reducing and eliminating their ISIS proxies in Syria (with the help of Russia), and just like Iran offering support and safe harbor to other resistance groups that launch attacks on the Zionist occupation forces. In case you have not been paying attention, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Ansarallah in Yemen have both been continually attacking the IOF since the Al-Aqsa Flood, while drone and other attacks on US bases in Iraq and Syria are also escalating by the day. This is the asymmetric strategy, it is to inflict death by a thousand cuts on the occupier. The resistance has the patience to outlast the colonizers, and moreover, although this is not obvious to many people, they also have escalation dominance in the region - why else do you think the US panicked and sent entire carrier groups into the Mediterranean and toward the Persian Gulf? But they will escalate at a pace of their choosing and at such time when it has the maximum impact. In the meantime not only is international mood shifting against the US and its neocolony in Palestine the more they continue their crimes against humanity, public opinion across the Arab world is also hardening and support for the Axis of Resistance is skyrocketing.