Amid all this, Yaccarino has been trying to bring advertisers back to the platform by claiming it’s safe for business.  She has also claimed that X (formerly known as Twitter) has been “demonstrating its absolute commitment to combating antisemitism on the platform” and that “antisemitism is evil and X (formerly known as Twitter) will always work to fight it on our platform.”

But corporate advertisements have been appearing directly on pro-HitlerHolocaust denialwhite nationalistpro-violence, and neo-Nazi accounts. The reality is that instead of fighting antisemitism, Yaccarino’s company has been financially rewarding it.

For instance, X (formerly known as Twitter) has been paying a pro-Hitler and verified account that carries the screen name “bambkb” and the name “Kevin - WE THE PEOPLE - DAD.” The account has more than 99,000 followers and has more than 88,000 posts. In a screenshot and commentary, the account said that it had earned $3,000.31  this year (The account was complaining about a decline in revenue.)


Bambkb is a virulent antisemite who has written posts that, among other things, praise Hitler for fighting “the same people that are trying to control the world today”; claim that “we have been deceived about a LOT” regarding Hitler; and claim that Hitler wanted peace and “had no choice but the go to WAR!!” 

Well, most anticommunists would prefer that their enemies give up without a fight, so I suppose that that’s technically true.

Click here for events that happened today (November 16).

1861: Luigi Facta, Italy’s last prefascist Prime Minister (but later member of the Fascist Senate), existed.
1889: Dietrich Kraiss, Axis general, blighted the world.
1896: Oswald Mosley, English fascist, disgraced life with his existence.
1933: Tōkyō commissioned submarine tender Taigei into service.
1934: Emperor Showa visited the Nakajima aircraft plant at Ota, Gunma Prefecture.
1935: The Blohm und Voss shipyard in Hamburg received the contract for laying down the hull of the future battleship Bismarck, and the order for the construction of Prinz Eugen was awarded to Germaniawerft of Kiel. 1936: Spanish Nationalist Colonel José Varela’s troops had forced a bridgehead over the River Manzanares en route to Madrid, and would capture almost three quarters of the University City in the coming week before being stopped by Spanish Republican militias. In Asia, Tōkyō named Captain Ryozo Fukuda as Nachi’s commanding officer.
1940: In response to the Luftwaffe’s leveling of Coventry two days before, Hamburg suffered another Allied bombing for the twoth day in a row. The Axis scuttled its tanker Phrygia to avoid capture, but Axis submarines U‐65 and U‐137 each sank an Allied ship. The Fascist 9th Army defensive line at Korcë, Albania yielded to the Greek 3rd Army Corps, and Berlin named Heinz Guderian as Panzer Group 2’s commander.
1944: The Axis lost the town of Düren to Allied aircraft seeking to assist the Battle of Hürtgen Forest.
1947: Giuseppe Volpi, Fascist Italy’s Minister of Finance, bit the dust.

  • Judeobenshavik
    11 months ago

    It’s terrible that musk is allowing straight up Nazi scum and giving them money on his site