I for one love horror movies and any good movie that fits a holiday/season/theme particularly well. “Halloween” is the elephant in the room I’d like to address. I’ve seen it too many times, so I’m not watching it again. Maybe a newer Halloween but not the OG. Anything along the lines of Trick R Treat(I love that one) or Jennifer’s Body, Robert Altman’s Images, anything that fits a good fall/Halloween vibe. What movies come to mind?

  • ButtigiegMineralMapOP
    52 years ago

    The Thing deserves a second chance, I was very tired or stressed or idk what but it ruined my viewing of The Thing and I can’t remember anything of it bc I fell asleep like 20 min in. I do enjoy watching the occasional Vincent Price but he’s so corny that I just watch MST3K’s version of House on Haunted Hill for laughs, Scream was way better than I anticipated, such a twist for the at-the-time overdone and played out slasher genre.