• loathesome dongeaterA
    2 years ago

    From deepl:

    Situation Report

    On August 4, 2020, a video of a motorcyclist stopping the driver of a “Fei D5369 Police” vehicle for “not using seat belts as required, driving and answering phone calls, and not having brake lights on” attracted the attention of netizens.

    After the video was discovered by the Handan Traffic Patrol Detachment, the video was immediately investigated and verified. It was found that the driver of the police car, Mr. Zhao, who was assigned by his unit to collect the accident identification results from the identification center on that day, had committed the violations of not using seat belts as required, making and receiving hand-held phone calls while driving, and driving a motor vehicle with inadequate safety facilities (the brake light of the motor vehicle was not on). At present, Handan City Traffic Patrol Detachment Fuxing First Brigade has punished the driver Zhao with three violations, and admonished him and transferred him from the law enforcement post.

    In order to learn a lesson and strengthen the management of the team, the Handan City Traffic Patrol Police Detachment will conduct a one-month discipline and style rectification campaign starting from today to educate the civilian and auxiliary police officers to take the lead in complying with the rules and regulations, to enhance the maintenance of the safety facilities of the vehicles on duty, to eliminate hidden dangers and to prevent the occurrence of similar phenomena. The Handan Traffic Patrol Detachment sincerely accepts and appreciates the supervision of all sectors of society and the general public.

    Handan City Public Security Bureau Traffic Patrol Police Detachment August 5, 2020