I linked the github issue describing this, but essentially the link field, which is the main one used by RSS readers, can either go to

  • the post link (if given), or
  • the post on lemmy which includes the comments (IE /post/xxx)

I’ll give these options below, vote on your favorite.

  • DessalinesOP
    53 years ago

    Someone that’s familiar with how other platforms are doing them could make an issue. Also they might be less pertinent here since we show upvote / downvote counts, and you can sort comments by Top to get the highest voted options at any point.

    • Serge Tarkovski
      53 years ago

      Makes sense, though that’s not exactly polls functionality 1:1, as users may just vote up for a comment, whereas other users can both vote up for their option and vote down for another option.