Well almost…I just applied back into the school system, and I’m gonna talk to a counselor some time this week :)! I’m tired of the drudgery of work. Last week, my boss told me to take my earphones out at work and I was absolutely livid…I plan on blowing off work as much as possible within my schedule, because screw him.

I think I’m finally set on pursuing mycology! I’m currently just taking on a science degree thingy, but I’ll honestly have to see how long it would take me to pursue mycology as a career. I’m restarting at a Community college, and just wanna transfer. Hopefully, I won’t have to do more than 3 years at the Uni I plan on transferring to. I’m broke 😢…

  • IdliketothinkimsmartOP
    2 years ago


    a blurb

    School has been mixed for me. I loved it in middle school, but high school just wasn’t hittin. I went straight to CC after highschool, failed some classes at the peak of Corona, and pretty much dropped out for some time!

    Maybe it worked out, because I feel like I have a better sense of self advocacy now. All I know is I don’t want to be scrubbing the insides of a fryer in a few years.

    And thank you :). Bourgeoisie learning kinda blows tbh. I’m sure you’re a commited learner outside of a school setting!