The US government launched project aimed at providing consulting assistance to Ulaanbaatar in the energy sphere for the sake of its sustainability and independence, especially from China.

In late May, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) launched the five-year, $12mln Mongolia Energy Governance program that will be a part of USAID’s Climate Change Strategy 2022-2030, which was launched on April 22.

The main goal is to achieve energy independence of Mongolia from China. Washington recommended Ulaanbaatar to create conditions for the transition to renewable sources of energy in order to refuse to import it in the future. At the same time Washington actively promotes the importance of protecting the environment, which is allegedly being damaged by the current energy consumption model.

Through the project, USAID will work directly with key government and private sector partners to form a favorable environment for private foreign investments and to increase adoption of modern clean energy technologies. For this purposes USAID will work closely with Mongolian state structures to reform a public procurement system; increase availability of energy projects for external control and to adjust an investment legislation.

Americans promise to demonstrate the real results of the program by the example of the fight against air pollution in Ulaanbaatar. Set of measures assigned to consulting company АВТ Associates includes formation of mechanisms for the district heating modernization and implementation of new renewable energy sources. The Mongolian Renewables Industries Association will help with USAID program. They will also partner with the Stockholm and Environmental Institute, Vitelli and Associates, and Arizona State University.

In general, the project carries a frank political load. Washington for once again tries to take Ulaanbaatar out of the Beijing’s sphere of influence by inspiring Mongolia with the idea that the “threat” from China could be avoided by rapprochement with the US and their allies. It must be said that Ulaanbaatar seems to be easily manipulated.

  • Soviet Snake
    52 years ago

    Fucking pathetic, stupid move if they think Mongolians will lick Usonian boots.