Taiwan is not for sale, and neither is it part of China, said Taiwan’s Foreign Affairs Ministry, in a rebuke to Elon Musk.

  • @freagle
    -29 months ago

    The KMT conducted a 40-year fascist reign of terror where they wiped out most of the native Taiwanese and killed tens of thousands of Han who agreed that the KMT had lost and that integration needed to happen.

    • wrath-sedan
      29 months ago

      Yup, the White Terror. I didn’t disagree with that.

      My point was that the KMT coming to Taiwan was a wave of migration of people who while very anti-PRC saw themselves as fundamentally Chinese and Mandarin-speaking as opposed to pre-1945 Han settlers who were Taiwanese-speaking and in many cases had been living in Taiwan for hundreds of years already.

      Today, those distinctions have softened, and polling shows that even the people who are descended from that wave of KMT migration mostly see themselves as Taiwanese first and foremost.

      • @freagle
        -29 months ago

        Of course they do, if they saw themselves as mainlanders they were murdered and chucked in mass graves. The entire society is shaped by the white terror