Jesus Christ read a fucking book. Russia was invaded twice through its border with Ukraine. Want to guess who did it and why?
The first invasion was Napoleon, of France, of Western Europe, of the North Atlantic. Why? Because it would be beneficial to the Western order to control the resources, eliminate competition, and subjugate the people.
The second invasion was the Third Reich, of Germany, of Western Europe, of the North Atlantic. Why? The same reasons as Napoleon plus two more. One, because European fascism arose in response to the successful creation of the world’s first workers’ state, the Third Reich was hell bent on not merely controlling Russia but also ending the project for worker states. Second, because the Third Reich sought to replicate the great success of the USA in subjugating natives and blacks and extracting hyperprofits from them without giving them opportunity for revolt and wanted to apply the same program to the Slavs of Eastern Europe and Russia.
In both of those invasions, Russia was under an existential threat and lost a massive number of lives. Both of these invasions were across the border with Ukraine.
Now we have NATO, helmed by the USA (who the Third Reich emulated) staffed originally by literal Nazi officers as part of the USA’s leave-behind project which distributed Nazis all over Europe, as part of the larger pattern of the USA’s participation in the Nazi project through Operation Gladio and Operation Paperclip. Now we have a nuclear army staffed by Nazis by the country the Nazis emulated that trained Nazis and used Nazis and voted against condemning Nazis and currently has Nazis marching publicly domestically and has been arming and funding Nazis for decades. And that nuclear army has been expanding its presence and logistics and supply chains and recruiting and training operations across Europe and after training and arming Nazis in Ukraine for years and after supporting a coup and hand picking the leader to take the place of the democratically elected leader, after all that, NATO finally has a chance of moving its military presence into Ukraine.
And you don’t think that represents an existential threat to Russia? You think the motivations of Napoleon and the Third Reich are gone? You think the economics and geopolitics have changed so much that no one could possibly have any further interests that would lead them to attempting to subjugate Russia?
Read. Do everyone a favor and stop putting your ignorance as though it’s a position and read something.
Right. Do you think nuclear weapons have any impact on the situation now?
Yes, which is why when the USA unilaterally withdraws from nuclear treaties, in particular missile defense treaties, and then uses its soft power all over the world to manipulate countries into allowing the USA (through NATO) to install missile defense systems in a ring around its 2 biggest opponents, it’s the USA who is moving towards a situation where it defuses MAD by being able to fire nukes without risk of full scale retaliation. It’s basically the entire reason Russia invaded Ukraine. If the USA succeeds in ring-fencing Russia with first-strike capabilities, it becomes far more likely that the North Atlantic will be able to invade Russia and balkanize it.
Do you think the world is the exact same as it was hundreds of years ago?
The past is contained in the present. The geopolitical chess board doesn’t change that much. Yes, new strategic assets have emerged with the advent of flight and rocketry, but the natural resource deposits, populations, and natural borders are mostly the same as they’ve been for a long time. We’ve discovered new deposits of resources and some new resources have emerged as strategically valuable, but the land within the Russian Federation is just as valuable or even more valuable than it was in Napoleon’s time.
There’s a lot that’s also still the same from hundreds of years ago and there’s a lot that’s different but not that different. The first surgery using general anesthesia was in 1804 and we didn’t know how it worked then. We still don’t know how it works, but we know more than we did. 200 years ago the North Atlantic countries were selling opiates to Chinese peasants, bureaucrats, and soldiers, getting them addicted, and taking all their wealth. We still do that, we just do it to blacks and poors in our own country now. When the Chinese outlawed opium and seized the drugs, the English drug dealers wrote racist anti-Chinese propaganda in the newspapers they owned and convinced England to go to war with China, just like we do today. And when the English showed up with more fire power than the Chinese had ever seen, sacked their major cities, and forced them to obey, what did they do? They forced China to change their laws so that the North Atlantic could maintain their profits.
The TPP, that is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is a trade agreement that many countries in the global South are compelled to sign due to their economic dire straits - dire straits caused by the centuries of domination, extraction, rape, pillage, and devastation wrought by the North Atlantic countries. In order to get the economic benefit of the TPP, though, these countries all needed to agree to the creation of a council of corporations from the North Atlantic who would be allowed to levy fines against sovereign nations if the council decided that the laws of those countries impacted their profits.
So is the world exactly the same as it was hundreds of years ago? No, of course not. But if you don’t study what it was like, you can’t see that the same North Atlantic bloc is doing the same things that it was doing hundreds of years ago with the same motivations and the same tools (but more advanced) against the same targets with the same outcomes (death, destruction, devastation, extraction).
Jesus Christ read a fucking book. Russia was invaded twice through its border with Ukraine. Want to guess who did it and why?
The first invasion was Napoleon, of France, of Western Europe, of the North Atlantic. Why? Because it would be beneficial to the Western order to control the resources, eliminate competition, and subjugate the people.
The second invasion was the Third Reich, of Germany, of Western Europe, of the North Atlantic. Why? The same reasons as Napoleon plus two more. One, because European fascism arose in response to the successful creation of the world’s first workers’ state, the Third Reich was hell bent on not merely controlling Russia but also ending the project for worker states. Second, because the Third Reich sought to replicate the great success of the USA in subjugating natives and blacks and extracting hyperprofits from them without giving them opportunity for revolt and wanted to apply the same program to the Slavs of Eastern Europe and Russia.
In both of those invasions, Russia was under an existential threat and lost a massive number of lives. Both of these invasions were across the border with Ukraine.
Now we have NATO, helmed by the USA (who the Third Reich emulated) staffed originally by literal Nazi officers as part of the USA’s leave-behind project which distributed Nazis all over Europe, as part of the larger pattern of the USA’s participation in the Nazi project through Operation Gladio and Operation Paperclip. Now we have a nuclear army staffed by Nazis by the country the Nazis emulated that trained Nazis and used Nazis and voted against condemning Nazis and currently has Nazis marching publicly domestically and has been arming and funding Nazis for decades. And that nuclear army has been expanding its presence and logistics and supply chains and recruiting and training operations across Europe and after training and arming Nazis in Ukraine for years and after supporting a coup and hand picking the leader to take the place of the democratically elected leader, after all that, NATO finally has a chance of moving its military presence into Ukraine.
And you don’t think that represents an existential threat to Russia? You think the motivations of Napoleon and the Third Reich are gone? You think the economics and geopolitics have changed so much that no one could possibly have any further interests that would lead them to attempting to subjugate Russia?
Read. Do everyone a favor and stop putting your ignorance as though it’s a position and read something.
Right. Do you think nuclear weapons have any impact on the situation now?
Do you think the world is the exact same as it was hundreds of years ago?
Yes, which is why when the USA unilaterally withdraws from nuclear treaties, in particular missile defense treaties, and then uses its soft power all over the world to manipulate countries into allowing the USA (through NATO) to install missile defense systems in a ring around its 2 biggest opponents, it’s the USA who is moving towards a situation where it defuses MAD by being able to fire nukes without risk of full scale retaliation. It’s basically the entire reason Russia invaded Ukraine. If the USA succeeds in ring-fencing Russia with first-strike capabilities, it becomes far more likely that the North Atlantic will be able to invade Russia and balkanize it.
The past is contained in the present. The geopolitical chess board doesn’t change that much. Yes, new strategic assets have emerged with the advent of flight and rocketry, but the natural resource deposits, populations, and natural borders are mostly the same as they’ve been for a long time. We’ve discovered new deposits of resources and some new resources have emerged as strategically valuable, but the land within the Russian Federation is just as valuable or even more valuable than it was in Napoleon’s time.
There’s a lot that’s also still the same from hundreds of years ago and there’s a lot that’s different but not that different. The first surgery using general anesthesia was in 1804 and we didn’t know how it worked then. We still don’t know how it works, but we know more than we did. 200 years ago the North Atlantic countries were selling opiates to Chinese peasants, bureaucrats, and soldiers, getting them addicted, and taking all their wealth. We still do that, we just do it to blacks and poors in our own country now. When the Chinese outlawed opium and seized the drugs, the English drug dealers wrote racist anti-Chinese propaganda in the newspapers they owned and convinced England to go to war with China, just like we do today. And when the English showed up with more fire power than the Chinese had ever seen, sacked their major cities, and forced them to obey, what did they do? They forced China to change their laws so that the North Atlantic could maintain their profits.
The TPP, that is the Trans-Pacific Partnership, is a trade agreement that many countries in the global South are compelled to sign due to their economic dire straits - dire straits caused by the centuries of domination, extraction, rape, pillage, and devastation wrought by the North Atlantic countries. In order to get the economic benefit of the TPP, though, these countries all needed to agree to the creation of a council of corporations from the North Atlantic who would be allowed to levy fines against sovereign nations if the council decided that the laws of those countries impacted their profits.
So is the world exactly the same as it was hundreds of years ago? No, of course not. But if you don’t study what it was like, you can’t see that the same North Atlantic bloc is doing the same things that it was doing hundreds of years ago with the same motivations and the same tools (but more advanced) against the same targets with the same outcomes (death, destruction, devastation, extraction).