Original message: GenZedong users and moderators warned the Lemmygrad administration of chauvinists and people who harassed other users creating a community called Dongistan. Admins from both Discord and Telegram warned us of these reactionary elements and they were preemptively removed from the community

EDIT: We were working on the assumption that they were PatSocs, because that was the information given to us, and we decided to act upon that without further evidence. It was a mistake on our part. The community was therefore restored, but we are investigating the case further.

We are banning trolls which were harassing admins and other members inside Lemmygrad, and we’ve found out that they are a part of a group called “Horde’s People’s Republic of Dongistan” on Telegram.

  • @glaukonome
    02 years ago

    i have to admit, it is somewhat ironic coming back to this comment after reading this:

    They are simply reactionary trolls with very concerning psychological issues. My advice to them would be to go to therapy, but I feel like they’ve already lost their sense of self by shitposting as a defense mechanism from their own issues.

    is this not reactionary (as all ableism is), disrespectful and uncomradely? even if you don’t feel particularly comradely towards the horde, i’m sure you are aware that there are people who are affected by mental health issues who are reading this. your post is an insult quite a bit more cruel than someone calling this community a larp.

    • Camarada ForteOPMA
      02 years ago

      i’m sure you are aware that there are people who are affected by mental health issues who are reading this.

      I am absolutely aware of that, hence why I gave the advice of therapy, in sincere good faith. I uphold the idea that everyone benefits from therapy, and I wrote that the reactionary trolls inside your community would benefit from therapy honestly from a place of concern.

      I’ve seen the reactionary stuff posted inside your community, and while I am frankly disgusted by its content, I do not blame those who post it, I see them as victims of the reactionary ideology present in bourgeois society. We are all reflections of the contradictions of our society, and even I may inadvertently reproduce reactionary ideology without realizing it. But my comment is not ableist, and I didn’t mean to advice therapy as an insult, because I myself went to therapy for over an year and I benefited much from it.