• ComradeSalad
    1 year ago

    What? Why lie?

    He specifically says that unbelievers are not abandoned by God and are judged for their actions rather then their faith.

    Further he says “Talk to your father”, implying that his father is in heaven as communication does not reach those who have been banished to Hell or Purgatory.

      • ComradeSalad
        1 year ago

        That’s not Catholic belief, that’s Mormon belief. Catholics believe that those that are not Catholics, but still “earnestly seek God”, are considered seeking the Holy Spirit and if they live their lives well, then they are allowed salvation. That means other religions are allowed salvation, Muslims, Buddhists, Hinduists, etc etc.

        Atheists are the ones left out in the cold. Though they aren’t sent to Hell, they are judged be action and they can reach purgatory and then heaven, but not heaven right away.

        Catholic doctrine is weird.

        Plus the Catholic Church is like a Congress. They have debated these questions for millennia, and there have been dozens of different camps and interpretations. Even the original disciples split in their own interpretations.

        What the church says at one time is not representative if the entire faith, it’s definitely a weird contradiction.