u/nottomat - originally from r/GenZhou
“What about in Hong Kong where they made it so that the leaders are no longer publicly elected? What about Tiannenmen Square were hundreds of people were killed for protesting the Dengist regime? What about how China’s internet is blocked by a firewall meaning you cannot search for various things the government doesn’t want you to search for? What about how journalists punish foreign journalists by removing their press credentials when they say something critical of the government’s policies? What about when in 2019 the All China Journalists Association updated its code of ethics saying that they have to take an exam proving that they are guided by Xi Jinping thought”

How would you counter these statements?

  • archive_botOPB
    3 years ago

    [deleted] - originally from r/GenZhou
    im studying this period academically rn and ur a bit off on the tiannmen square thing, it was largely triggerd by economic problems that caused a drop in quality of life for many workers and studnets, but it was also largely a protest cuased by disillusionment with the CCP, mostly they just wanted increased freedom of expression and increased accountability for party cadres, as there had been an increase in corruption. there where some more extreme members of the protest demanded democracy, but they where the minority, there may have been some public anger at how many farmers had become extreemly rich as they could sell off land that was planned to be used for a big consturction project or something, and other examples of cadres doing similar things to enrich themselves using their greater isnight into economic plans, but that was not the main reason.

    other than that good comment

    • archive_botOPB
      3 years ago

      u/yesthepeople - originally from r/GenZhou
      I appreciate the correction.