As of late, invidious has become pretty much unusable for me. All the instances either don’t work or are very slow, and as nobody knows Crystal more and more bugs keep cropping up (e.g. right now search is broken on all instances).

Are there any alternatives? I know of FreeTube but its client is Electron which is a no-go for me. I also know of youtube-dl, but I’m more interested in a website I can use to watch YouTube while proxied.

    33 years ago

    Yeah I found this when I was working on forking the project to have nicer ui and be easier to use. I just cant really see the project going to far into the future.

    I’m currently planning on working something (only an idea no progress) made in rust that could just proxy the youtube video and it can be used for embedding or run it in a tab.

    Eg(example domain). Then it would open a simple player and run that in the tab and this could then be used in embedding youtube videos privately on your website or eventually used in a full platform like invidious.