This knob is aaalll up in the replies corn cobbing, quite entertaining

Shoutout to for their excellent effortpost response. Always good to remember in situations like this, going to the effort to actually refute and answer and educate is important not to fix the dweeb they are responding to, but so that anyone else who comes to see the interaction can see the stark difference between bullshit and the slightest research


  • WhatWouldKarlDo
    1 year ago

    I was kind of surprised by that as well. I was being charitable, as China is the biggest in terms of dollar amounts, but they only contribute $20 per capita or so. Norway is almost $1000 and I thought that should be recognised. I was shocked when he came back with wanting to compare totals. I of course sent him the same link again with China written instead.

    The guy was absolutely unreachable, but I just tried to present him with actual facts as simply as possible, as they are easy for observers to verify. I’m grateful to the others who explained the geopolitical realities for the people who wanted more though.