• @NoQuesoPlease
    4 years ago

    Where did this conspiracy theory that China and Vietnam MUST be lying come from? Do these people seriously not see how obviously consent is being manufactured against AES countries? It’s infuriating and I swear it’s just coping because the West had an awful response to this whole virus.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      94 years ago

      I find this narrative especially hilarious in light of the fact that there is a lot of evidence that US has been fudging their numbers. It’s basically a way to deflect blame and responsibility for dropping the ball on the pandemic. First, they claimed that China didn’t report the virus early enough, even though they’ve reported human transmission as early as January, now that it’s been debunked, and China is doing well the new narrative is that they must be lying about it since Western countries aren’t able to get a handle on things.

    • @TeethOrCoat
      54 years ago

      Not really a conspiracy theory. It stems from the sort of meme racism that’s been internalized in society. Even socialists in the west who are supposed to be anti-racist and should know better cannot help themselves. Earlier this year, I’ve seen people in the CTH subreddit say something to the effect of: “I know that we’re probably lying about our numbers, but that doesn’t mean PRC isn’t cooking their numbers either.” Ok, I thought, skepticism is healthy, whatever. And then they show their whole ass by citing the Li Wenliang shit as an example of PRC’s dishonesty, which is itself a piece of consent manufacturing by MSM, revealing that their skepticism is completely for show and they just reverted to their latent liberal performative tendencies with racist characteristics. They so desperately wanted to seem all impartial and objective and credible to their lib friends that they ended up falling into the consent manufacturing trap ironically.