A response by an Anarchist on reddit to a post about economics during the dictatorship of the Proletariat or the Socialist phase:

[First of all: marx never made a distinction between socialism and communism, and the only times he did it was to reference socialist tendencies he disagreed with. Its also inaccurate to call “dictatorship of the proletariat” socialism, or even lower phase communism, it was, as marx called, “the transitionary period” just for a definition, a “dictatorship of the proletariat” isnt a literal dictatorship(which by no means am I saying you think that, its just in case, in this context it means the “absolute authority” of the working class. Your entire argument literally makes no sense since you refuse to acknowledge the real marxist terms by which you’re trying to work by. If you wish to know more about this in more detail watch this rather interesting video:marx was not a “statist” its also important to note that lenin actually dismantled several of the socialist institutions in the USSR, possibly because he believed you couldn’t have socialism in the soviet union without it also being in some other place, because according to marx’s doctrine communism or socialism, if you prefer, could only start in the most developed places of industrial capitalism, such as the revolution in germany, which Lenin considered to be the “real revolution”, to which the revolution in russia was a holding action for. You mentioned this somewhat, but you failed to make the full connection. Heres a video I would greatly reccomend for anyone who wants to know about the state of socialism in the soviet union, chomsky on leninism]]

    • @learn_share_act
      4 years ago

      Hi, just want to say that Chomsky definitely doesn’t represent anarchism. These days he doesn’t even call himself one. It’s really popular in many anarchist circles to shit on Chomsky, especially for his whole “justified hierarchies” idea. For instance, this anarchist is pissed at Chomsky.

      To anyone here who has had bad experiences with anarchists, I’m sorry you had to deal with that - there are many uneducated larpers on the internet who call themselves anarchists but have never read even a little theory or taken part in any direct action. It’s shocking some of the ignorant things I’ve seen said on the anarchist subreddits that downright contradict everything it’s meant to be about.

      Full disclosure: I’m a libertarian socialist myself, that identified as an anarchist in the past before broadening my views a bit. My stance is that even though left unity isn’t something that will be completely possible, it’s at least important for communists of all kinds to stand together against capitalism and fascism. That’s why I feel a strong need to keep this open dialogue going and try to hopefully mend some of the damage to relations that silly people calling themselves anarchists have done in the past.