So, earlier today I was in an elytra dogfight with bloops where we flew with elytras and fireworks. I almost got a few good shots with my fireworks crossbow, but it was too slow and took way too long to load. So I thought, man, this would be better if I had a machine gun.

And then I found a plugin that adds guns. You won’t have to download any mods!

I’ve come up with three different options for how we could proceed.

1: we do not add guns.

Please don’t pick this, you will make me very sad.

2: We add guns, but don’t allow people to use them, and reserve them for special events. There’s a plugin that makes items uncraftable, so we could use this on the guns, so only Edward could be able to distribute them or something for special occasions.

3: we add guns, with no restrictions whatsoever.

Personally, I’m leaning towards the second option, but let me know your choice below.

  • Black AOC
    1 year ago

    Depends on which mod it is, I find. Base MrCrayfish doesn’t stray too far, I don’t think.

    • commiespammerOPM
      1 year ago

      Not mod, plugin. Mods need to be downloaded by everyone, so we’re sticking to plugins or server side mods. Luckily, I found a plugin for guns.

      • Black AOC
        1 year ago

        Oh, my b-- mp minecraft ain’t my forte; so I thought it was all the same.