• @Julianus@lemmy.ml
    -42 years ago

    I guess you can’t see it in yourself. Tell me more how Russia will grow stronger by imploding it’s economy. How they invaded out of the kindness of their hearts, to save the Ukrainians from themselves. How Duginism isn’t just Russian fascism. Please, go on.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      12 years ago

      If you can’t understand how becoming self sufficient is going to be good for Russia’s economy what else is there to say. You keep repeating that it’s imploding, but there’s literally no evidence to support this notion.

      Then you straw man about them invading out of the kindness of their hearts. I certainly can’t remember saying anything of the sort.

      You’ve consistently demonstrated that you have no clue regarding the subject you hold very strong opinions on. There’s absolutely no point trying to correct you. I can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics you’ll be doing next year when Russia’s economy is still doing fine, while the west starts unravelling.

      • @Julianus@lemmy.ml
        02 years ago

        You’ve failed to understand international trade. If you default on your loans, nationalize foreign capital, drive your currency into the ground… that’s not becoming self-sufficient. Go ahead and quit your job and go live in a tent your backyard, I guess. That’ll show them!

        And yes, convenient memory of yours. Putin’s original rationale for the invasion (“special military operation”) was for the benefit of the two provinces that he’d instigated trouble in. But he proved that to be a lie by immediately by charging toward the capital, instead. And then running out of fuel.

        I love how you constantly attempt to gas-light, but offer nothing but spinning of narratives in return. Is the west falling apart because #11 in the world’s GDP list decided to suicide? Hardly. The result so far has been to strengthen the rationale for NATO, clip the wings off Russia’s poorly kept military, and have Putin fire 1000 of his personal staff… because you know, the Russian people love him.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          32 years ago

          Russia is a huge industrial power that produces pretty much all the necessities domestically. This is more than pretty much any western nation can say. Thinking that Russia can’t survive without trade with western countries that don’t even produce anything of value is beyond hilarious.

          And yes, convenient memory of yours.

          Thing is that I never talked about Putin’s rationale. Also, not sure when the Russian army ran out of fuel.

          I love how you constantly attempt to gas-light, but offer nothing but spinning of narratives in return.

          The spinning narrative here is that you show consistent lack of understanding of the subject you keep attempting to debate.

          Is the west falling apart because #11 in the world’s GDP list decided to suicide?

          Ah so prices for just about everything aren’t going up in the west then, and there is no panic about double digit inflation and a massive recession. Explain to me why Americans decided to let Russia use assets they “froze” to pay debt if everything is going so well.

          The result so far has been to strengthen the rationale for NATO

          We’ll just wait to see how that works out when people can’t afford basic necessities which will lead to people not spending money on consumer goods, which will lead businesses to start failing.

          Keep doing your chest pumping while you can though.