• @Lightbritelite@lemmy.ml
    2 years ago

    Nah, i downvoted because the op appears to promote Russian imperialism and whataboutism, and that is a big red flag to me. I’m assuming most of the folks in here agree with the sentiment of this post, but the purpose of it is to pretend that Russian imperialism is fine because America does it? That’s absolute shit.

    • @Mystery_Man
      82 years ago

      No, I think the purpose is to point out the hypocrisy of media coverage of different crises in the world based on the ethnicity (skin color) of the people involved.

    • @slacktoid@lemmy.ml
      22 years ago

      Imperialism bad, but pointing out the general hypocrisy in western media is worse right? The fact that this is a legit issue shows that the west is losing it’s moral high ground and is no longer being seen as the good guys, cause they ain’t. (There are no good guys just people looking out for their own interests)

    • Sr Estegosaurio
      -12 years ago

      Agree. I think that both EEUU and Russia (as countrys, I’m not talking about the ppl living there) compleatly suck. I would burn to the ground all OTAN bases in my country and exit it. (Why do I have to be paying to some rich lobbist of the weapon industry?) but that does not justify that Russia is as imperialist as the EEUU. Agree on the media hipocresy tho.