Cargo e-bikes generally have a battery capacity limit of around 25 miles (which batteries aren’t meant to be fully drained every time they’re used anyway).

Any suggestions that don’t include the use of cars in a carpool or moving?

Is “Fuck Cars” a pro-city/anti-rural philosophy?

  • @beansniffer@lemmy.mlOP
    12 years ago

    Fuck Cars and everything that is and has been designed around and for cars over people.

    your next car could be electric

    I thought this community hated cars as a concept which would include electric cars?

        32 years ago

        I think like that as well, but I don’t have a better solution for this persons problem right now. Also what I said doesn’t necessarily conflict with this.

    • @uthredii@lemmy.mlM
      12 years ago

      Electric cars are better because they don’t emmit greenhouse gases or toxic fumes, but they do share much of the other problems cars have (take up space, dangerouse, congestion).

      Also Lithium mining is often not very environmentally friendly

        22 years ago

        Lithium mining looked horrendous. I saw the documentaries about various types of mining. But, all-or-nothing is lazy thinking (or not thinking). If roads or paths were made for those not using cars that were nowhere near cars, maybe let those using cars worry about space, danger, and congestion. As for air and toxins, that affects us all and is almost impossible to contain no matter how hard people try.