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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Imagine a good size of the population telling you how despicable advertising has become and you are like… no, I’m gonna force you to watch them. I stopped watching TV 15 years ago mostly because of commercials, they are just so repetitive and mind bogglingly stupid… People flocked to streaming services at least in part because LOUD REPETITIVE commercials every ten minutes is a sickening way to watch anything, and instead of idk figuring out a solution to that, they are like… nah removed, you need some more ads.

  • Spotify for several years, then Apple for a year, now back to Spotify.

    I’m sort of lazy about music discovery and delegate that to whatever app I’m using. In that respect, Spotify is way better. It offers more variety, the music I get that way seems to be better suited to my preferences. I also like to explore other people’s playlists and Spotify makes that insanely easy compared to Apple. After using Apple for a year, I found myself listening to music a lot less because it kept suggesting the same three dozen songs day in and day out. The algorithm didn’t offer much variety.

  • Idk. It’s par for the course. I spent some three years on dating apps before meeting my SO. A lot of ghosting. I think a big part of it is don’t expect people to be mindful of your feelings. And if they aren’t, just move on. Don’t take it personally. Just the moment you get a feeling that they are not into it, move on.

    I went on maybe 45-50 first dates. And honestly, it was a great experience. Very few second dates, even fewer third or fourth. One long-distance fling that turned into a great friendship and then my SO.

    The reason I’m saying it was great is because early on I decided that I’m gonna make it fun for myself. So I’d pick activities I wanted to do, I’d pick hikes I wanted to go on or ponds/beaches I wanted to check out, food I wanted to try, places/towns I wanted to visit… in essence, I made sure that even if the date went nowhere, I’d still get something awesome out of it. And I worked on myself, I pursued interests and hobbies and passions and it was the best time really.

    Think of cool things to do too. Not just dinners and drinks. There is soooo much you can do with someone to put them in a situation where you can both have fun, relax, and get to know each other. I personally found those outdoor adventure dates a lot more exciting than just dinners.

    And I tried to not get hung up on the people - sometimes it was hard to do that, I admit. A looot of ghosting. If you’re gonna date online, just accept that it will happen a bunch. That only means these are not the people you’re looking for. I know it’s hard when you feel like you only need this one person, and you want people to let you know, and you feel like it’s not fair, but honestly… you’re only responsible for your own actions. That means don’t ghost others (I never did) and move on when someone is giving you the cold shoulder. They should be just as excited to be in touch and if that’s not the case, just cut them and move on.

    Best of luck, don’t despair, date and have fun with it. Invest time in yourself in the meantime: hobbies, friends, passions, new things, adventures… it’s summer, soak it up!

  • Call me a cynic, but chances are that yes, it will fall further after this and it may stay down for a little while too. But then it will go back up. This is a seismic event, bound to shake things up, but the reality from the numbers I’ve seen is that engagement is more or less back to normal and will further stabilize after the repercussions of third-party apps shutting down subsides over the next few weeks.

    I’d be shocked if come September-October their numbers aren’t back to where they were, and frankly probably even better because more people will switch to their own app and be exposed to advertising. I hate that this is the case, I’m not on reddit anymore after 13 years of daily use, but realistically habits are habits and the majority of people don’t care enough about the big picture. Fingers crossed I’m wrong though, I’d love to see it burn - even if it takes a few years - just because of how much of a POS spez is.

  • I feel that in recent years corporations and businesses in general have found that guilting customers into tipping their staff cuts their costs down. So instead of raising salaries, they just place jars on the counters and add screens with tips.

    I resent tipping anyone that doesn’t make $2.86 an hour. Separate of that, I also resent tipping wait staff, because again, the employee’s salary should not be the responsibility of a customer, but that’s a rant for another time.

    People get paid more than me and I should be tipping them for literally doing their job? Since when is this the new normal? Oh hur dur but it’s service job. So wait, is a cashier at Walmart not performing a service? Should we start tipping them? Or retail workers in general? They don’t perform a service? Is the ER nurse performing a service when I need stitches? Should I tip her a percentage of my co-pay? Fucking insane. Is it only food-related jobs? A chef who hustled to cook your food in a kitchen that’s 120° doesn’t get tipped though, but a “barrista” at your local coffee shop who makes the same an hour is entitled to a tip because they pressed a button? Then you have a massage therapist who makes 50% of $120 in under an hour… but somehow they need a tip too… For what?

    Anyway. Fucking hate this shit. But companies have found this loophole where you’re the asshole for not tipping instead of them being the POS employers that don’t pay enough, so that’s the world we live in. Fucking embarrassing.

  • I think they’ve painted themselves into a corner and can’t back down now. Backing down would show that they can’t manage the damn site and no one would seriously consider investing in an unstable platform. So they have to either strongman it or wait it out. I genuinely want people to just move off of it altogether, whether or not spez agrees to some sort of compromise. There was so much awfulness coming from spez last week, that the API debacle feels like it was eons ago. There’s a strong argument to be made about loss of trust in management: spez talking shit about mods that do the heavy lifting for free, admins lying to anyone and everyone just to get what they want, forcing mods out, pitting people against each other, spez’s sole goal of profiting from “the data” and yapping about the damn IPO. It’s so awful any way you look at it.