• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • I don’t know how the trend of SomethingPorn and SomethingCore naming scheme will continue to grow, it definitely is quite catchy and produces short names but every time I see one of those it feels more like some form of a guilty pleasure than a name with an actual effort.

    Art gallery is simple, obvious and really fitting to escape that trend. Exhibition would do the similar trick but I understand it might be less searchable.

  • somnuz@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@programming.devIt's not DNS
    5 months ago

    Same unfortunately goes for a big chunk of the law on a global scale… Constant progress, new possibilities and technologies, changes in general are really outpacing some dusted and constantly abused solutions. Every second goes by and any “somehow still holding” relic is under more pressure. As a species we can have some really great ideas but the long-term planning or future-proofing is still not our strongest suit.

  • I will just address this really quickly: I am struggling with giving any advice and the POC term.

    Advice, even the best, can misguide or cause harm down the road and POC is just a weird abbreviation for me, mixed / different / multiple races feels fine but POC just pulls some wrong strings in me. That might be a preference or just being picky about english language, but that’s where I stand.

    With all that out of the way, let me try to approach the other matters constructively but let’s be honest, it mostly will be just guessing.

    So, as you say, there was a conscious intention behind that choice. Someone else in the comments created a very good list to pick from, but my bets will be similar, there is a reason for that choice and most often than not, this reason will be rooted at home environment.

    So, first line of approach for me would be understanding her and the background, where that idea even originated from to express something like that in this way? Maybe from parents? Maybe friends? Internet? Maybe she, personally had some unpleasant interaction the other day with someone with a different skin color than hers and that’s her reaction to all that. But, again, going back to the list from that other comment, you might be not able to find out or actually do anything about all that.

    Why you can’t get through to her, I will go with some quick guesses because there is no way for me to know.

    • This might be a trigger type situation. You might be giving her attention that she doesn’t get at home and it infuriates her to the core, or on the other hand, you can be reminding her of one of her parents in your approach or something like that — you won’t get there now or anytime soon.

    • This might be a “spotlight” problem, this situation from her perspective might feel like some interrogation, those situations can quickly turn the fight / flight / freeze response.

    • You might be, in her eyes, the enemy, cool kids are too cool to interact with teachers, right? Or maybe you are not cool enough for her to bother even listening to you. Or maybe she just rejected you because you rejected that one thing about her and she feels threatened / unsafe / misunderstood.

    …and so on, every minute I can come up with another reason but they all mean nothing, just random, empty guesses. There are plenty of games that we play with each other to avoid the communication.

    • Other list said something about respect and treating as equal in conversation — this can get you into many places while talking with kids, teens and young adults, or people in general but it has to be sincere and not forced, and as everything else, has its limits too.

    It is really great that you are showing and expressing your boundaries as a teacher, what you accept and like, and what is not tolerated in your classroom, that you try talking and connecting… the tricky part is, this classroom is mostly (besides some lucky exceptions) filled with minds not yet fully aware of what boundary, rule, differences, understanding, decision making, consequences or respect (and so on) even means.

    Again, no solutions or any advice, just a story time if you feel like reading it.

    One of the coolest teachers I ever knew was helping teens that were stealing or selling drugs, mostly because of drug or alcohol abuse at home, pretty often violence. He helped with returning stolen items, helped repairing them if they got somehow damaged and above all that, with overcoming the shame of admitting guilt or saying sorry; sometimes even with some part-time job seeking or legal issues. But he had all the means and skill to do it and many, many, many years of experience. I don’t know how or why he started doing all that but at the time I’ve met him, he already was a well known solution for many people and “if you fucked up bad, go talk to that guy, he will help you sort that out” was a thing people kept saying about him in their own circles. From what he told me, he got a lot of help in his life and he just repays his debt. Plus he had some crazy captivating stories to tell.

    He was always in his classroom talking with someone, reading a book or doing something on his computer. But he just was there and if anyone needed him, he was there.

  • Unfortunately, the only working solution for any unawareness and insensitivity, where racism or homophobia (etc.) are the prime extreme examples is… Education.

    To make it worse, the person on the other side has to be willing to ingest and incorporate it into their newly forming worldview.

    Fighting or brute forcing it can make the situation worse, especially during more rebellious years and can have a serious long term destructive fallout.

    It would be easier to fully grasp the situation with some basic knowledge about your whereabouts, at least country — from the story, I am assuming somewhere in the United States.

    I’ve never heard about the shoelaces thing and from a distant perspective I see it as totally crazy thing — both ways. Anyone should wear anything they feel like wearing without any burden, considering the basic social norms, I would like to recall here the protest about red underwear where women were fighting with an (idiotic) idea and presumption that red underwear means “down to fuck” or even “invitation to rape”.

    I don’t have any great answers but I have a story from my teens.

    There was a situation at my school where some of my classmates were making fun of one guy crying, obviously some classics were dropped “don’t be a baby / pussy” and so on. I was lucky because I had good interactions with most of the teachers, especially when it boiled down to dropping some ideas or organizing things. Even luckier, the school counselor was my previous teacher and liked me enough to invite me from time to time, asking questions if I see any bullying, stealing or what surprised me the most, why and which teachers were mostly disliked by my class and other classes. Once, I told her about the situation mentioned before and how nobody reacted and how unfair it all felt. She noted everything and promised me to do something about it and really delivered on that promise. She managed to organize some special obligatory classes about expressing emotions, bullying and different types of violence.

    It didn’t stop everything dysfunctional but made a tiny difference. Especially when it came to reacting during situations like that.

    We need many, many tiny differences to grow / learn / evolve.


    Thank you for being a Teacher, you seem invested and it feels like you actually care — don’t cross anyone out, every kid that causes more problems than others, is near being expelled or punished for their behavior, is the one that actually needs some kind of guidance and mentoring the most.

  • somnuz@lemm.eetoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlHow would you describe your sleep?
    5 months ago

    For over a decade now, I am fortunate enough to just let my body decide, so I go to sleep whenever I feel like I want to sleep and wake up whenever it happens…

    Hours are funny tho, middle point is probably somewhere around 6, sometimes there are times when it is closer to 4, and less often but it happens, around 8.

    From my observations and whenever I talk with anyone invested in their routines, it mostly boils down to quality over quantity. Shitty 9 or 10 hours might feel terribly unpleasant and 30 min power nap can do wonders sometimes.

    I always believed to be the night owl until I discovered it can switch for me and then I figured out a new option of being a morning lark — I must say, both have some benefits actually but the whole day timetable changes dramatically.

  • I don’t know if this will help you anyhow.

    With trees, especially during winter it can be harder, you can approach the topic in many different ways, it all depends on what effect you are mostly interested in.

    Seek the tree that stands out in its surroundings to build on that contrast or find some trees that can be composed nicely in a frame to focus on a harmony? Those basic things can be very helpful, if you want, you can show balance or lack of it.

    Good practice can be focusing on your feelings and searching for a picture that will go well with what you feel, because only you will see it there, in that moment. You feel sad or tired — search for a sad and tired tree and capture it… or maybe you feel calm and focused on continuing that book or episode of great series? Then find a tree that could be in that book or be a frame from that series…

    Or maybe you want to get lost in the woods and search for some great patterns and shapes — light can be really amazing there, or… maybe wait for a foggy day?

    Can you imagine at least a vague version of what you would like to create and then follow that vision?

    Lastly, if it’s a subject that you don’t feel at all and you just want to force yourself out of the comfort zone as a practice — just go, batteries fully charged and take as many photos as your camera will let you. This is actually scientifically proven method, when doing anything creative / expressive go for quantity first and later search for quality. It is so much easier to select at least one fine / good picture from over two hundred than from zero.

  • I am a designer, so for me anything anyhow connected with visual aspects.

    Someone already posted about old coins and film photography so I will add:

    · Watching Movies — at least once for the story and overall feeling, then for the story again and visuals, colors etc., later for techniques, ideas, framing, music, rhythm, cuts and so on.

    · Stamps (Philately) — what more can I say, sometimes I forget about my unsegregated albums, but when I reopen them or find something to add, I am gone.

    · Collecting well designed magazines and other printed materials — this one was a big one for me, for a long, looong time. Still, from time to time I will find a great business card or a catalogue, as they are becoming scarce now, or in the ocean of very poor design — it always feels like finding a real treasure.

  • I thought your question was

    So my question is since we can question the correctness of basics of our logic and cant find an answer, we can not justify or learn anything. Also, there lays the problem of do we really understand the same thing from the same concepts, and does language limit us?


    Can I do this to analytical truths because when I do, I couldn’t find any claim to support them. I am clueless about, does our logic and reasoning correct?

    — so for the first one, we might and often don’t understand the same thing from the same concepts, language often might be a limiting factor too.

    That’s why many fields, like in mathematics, physics or chemistry are using their own notation to simplify those concepts, then when you learn the rules of the notation there is this underlying premise that anyone with the same knowledge of those rules will read the written concept in the same way… H₂O or 2²=4

    — for the second, there are nice Quine’s criticisms in which he argues that the analytic–synthetic distinction is untenable.

    Summary (from wiki) of the argument: the notion of an analytic proposition requires a notion of synonymy, but establishing synonymy inevitably leads to matters of fact – synthetic propositions. Thus, there is no non-circular (and so no tenable) way to ground the notion of analytic propositions.

  • You’ve touched on plenty different subjects, but it is actually amazing that — as we are all different and our whole living experience is pretty much only personal — there can be a situation that people with similar life experiences, education, beliefs and backgrounds can end up in totally different places — with a totally different morality and/or worldviews.

    Religion is a very specific subject, similar to politics — those things are going very deep and can become interwoven with ones personality even, at this point person becomes very defensive about anything different than what they already know. This is one of many our weaknesses that can be easily abused by let’s say cults.

    One of the great starting points in many fields, like science or philosophy is “I am probably wrong about many things — because I am unable to know everything, let’s see what I don’t know and put it to the test”

    Obviously: this is only a comment on the internet — it is a giant oversimplification.