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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The only thing I care about is: Will this be enough to pull critical mass from Twitter? I don’t think I’ll ever join, because twitter life made me very unhappy, but the sooner journalists and high-volume celebs move off twitter, the sooner it can be relegated to Truth Social 2 and that, I think, will make the world a slightly better place.

  • Ok, so a million years ago me and a friend of mine were in Vegas and checked out Quark’s Bar at the Star Trek Experience at the Las Vegas Hilton. And it was great! I drank a dry-ice-powered “warp core” drink. A guy in a Klingon costume messed with me in a cringey but completely perfect “interactive theater” bit. The video screens all had Star Trek visuals playing. Super fun.

    Anyway, a couple of years later we thought “Hey, let’s go back to Vegas and we’ll visit Quarks Bar again!” But we were big enough nerds that we didn’t realize when we booked it that it was superbowl weekend. So, all the pro sports gambler types were in town. The “free drinks as long as you are gambling” policy in the casino seemed to be suspended - all the servers ignored us. We had high hopes of escaping to the nerd refuge of Quark’s, but when we got there they had football on all of the screens, and a table of “Da Bears” style football dudes started fucking with us for, I don’t know, not being manly enough or something. It sucked, but it’s kind of funny in retrospect.

  • I saw video of her being interviewed on stage at a conference and she seems just as weird and psychologically unhealthy as Musk. Smug and condescending while narcissistically unable to acknowledge unpleasant realities that every single person knows are true. I think I’m mostly talking about style here. All big CEO-types would lay off thousands of good humans who are hard workers in a heartbeat to make their rich investors more money, but some manage to do it without the delivery of a shitposting bond villain. Watching her answer questions for 5 minutes made my skin crawl.

  • I just happened to be in that Ballard target for the first time last week to get my Covid booster and it was weird. Besides the pharmacy, there were basically no employees. No cashiers, one person who ushered you over to the self-checkout, and two greeters (aka loss prevention). It’s just anecdotal observation, but there was no visible sign of, you know, crime problem, i.e. nobody camped out on the sidewalk. But there were also zero customers. That store is tiny for a Target and seemed to have basically the same amount of inventory as a Bartells. For example, we bought a laundry basket while we were there and they just had one style and color (ugly as fuck!). And there is a CVS and a Walgreens basically a block away. And the Target has paid parking. So, I feel pretty confident that this Target was a loser due to bad business decisions.

  • What the actual fuck?! When I read this story a month ago I was furious because they claimed he was out of the car and lunging at them with a knife when they shot him through a closed car window. Mistaking someone for being out of the car and lunging at you when they are inside the car with the window rolled up is not the same as (claiming to) think a knife is a gun. So, you get to lie about what you were scared about and then revise your lie to something more plausible later on? So much fucking bullshit.

    Also, it should be noted that the police only “walked back” the statement about him being out of the car when the family went door to door and found ring cam footage that he was in the car. And they had to do this because the police wouldn’t share body camera footage with the family.

  • I’m not going to hang out in a bar that allows Nazis to hang out. You can if you like, but people are going to call you a Nazi supporter, and they will be right. If you don’t allow Nazis in your bar, they can still stand outside and freeze peach as much as they want, you are not curtailing anyone’s freedom. So, yes, I cheer businesses that don’t allow Nazis and I am critical of businesses where the management trolls unions (and allows Nazis), and that’s not hypocritical in any way because there’s a difference between good things and bad things. Anyway, enjoy your Nazi bar, weirdo.

  • Capitalism is the problem because it incentivizes these behaviors and allows “capital” (i.e. rich people) to control the political process. The people who are pushing the anti-trans agenda - just like the gay marriage scare of the past - are doing so to manipulate people into voting against their own interests to elect politicians who are loudly subservient to capital. It’s not a coincidence that the same people, i.e. Republicans, have been pushing for trickle-down economics and privatizing social security for decades. Democrats aren’t much better. In some part because Citizens United (a Republican gift to the rich) declared that money = speech, and so it’s hard to compete electorally without caving in to the demands of capital. So, they do dumb shit like propose privatizing the water supply:


    And this doesn’t even get into the real nasty part of capitalism which is the plunder and exploitation of the global south that has gone on for centuries to build today’s capitalist society.

    If you have actions you plan to take that will get your elected representatives to stop doing things that makes the ultrawealthy richer and start doing things that improve the lives of everyone else (UBI, universal healthcare, equality for all) under the capitalist system we have, then go ahead and get on it. People pointing out the flaws in capitalism is not the reason you have thus far been unsuccessful. And when you call for everyone to stop criticizing capitalism, as if it is some universal equilibrium that is undeniably correct, you are carrying water for the very people you want to oppose.

  • No, this is not cool. Louis C.K. and South Park were wrong, actually. There are a couple of things wrong with it.

    If you’re yelling removed at a straight person, nobody thinks you’re yelling “Hey straight guy, you literally have sex with men!” because that wouldn’t make any sense. What you’re yelling is “You are something bad. You know, like gay people are bad.” That’s why you never hear anyone say, “Hey you cut me off, supermodel!” or “You spilled your drink on me, fireman!” because it’s not a random word after that comma, it’s an insult. So, yelling removed at people who aren’t (necessarily) gay is of course not being homophobic…to the straight person you’re yelling at. It’s being homophobic to the gay people who may or may not have heard it.

    Second, the whole premise that you can use slurs and it is up to the target of the slur to figure out if you mean it in the hateful way or the “fun” way is dumb. That’s not how the world works. You can’t go up to a guy in a bar and say, “Your girlfriend is ugly and your mom’s a slut” and then get mad when they take it as an insult. It is not other people’s job to look into your soul and realize that when you’re saying something insulting that you don’t mean it that way. I’m sure you think “it’s just words”, but you probably don’t know what it’s like to be on a public bus and hear murmuring of “removed” from the seat behind you. Maybe you’re a tough guy and wouldn’t have worried about it, but I had a long thought about what my plan would be if this guy attacked me for being gay. He didn’t, but that fear was still real.

    If it makes you feel any better, this is not something that only straight people have to abide by. There’s a great Dead Milkmen song called “Instant Club Hit” that I love. It’s a funny song from the 80s that makes fun of goth culture, but there’s a part where it says “art removed” over and over again. Now I know those guys are cool. When I saw them live in Portland they asked people to donate to a group called Safe Pride PDX. One of the members is gay. Anyway, I scolded my husband once for putting that song on the jukebox at a bar. Not because I think the song is really homophobic, but because some gay guy who doesn’t know this band could be in the bar and all of sudden realize “Oh fuck, the song playing in this bar is saying removed over and over again!” and get nervous that they aren’t safe. So we don’t play that song on the jukebox anymore. And you can think of another thing to yell at people who cut you off in traffic.
