• 8 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Imperialism is a result of capitalism…

    The USSR would like a word

    Everyone wants resources so the USSR stole some from poland and other countries for selfish reasons

    Capitilism as we know it today (need for constant growth, etc) was only invented recently so for much of imperialist history capitilism didn’t exist.

    Fascism is imperialism turned inward…

    Fascism is when you when you give the government complete and utter control over everything. Of course that would lead to human rights abuse

    Some argue this process is why Hitler and the Third Reich are looked on as the ultimate evil.

    My great-grandpa was a holocaust survivor. Here are the key differences between Hitler and let’s say manifest destiny:

    When the americans were manifest destinying they didn’t gas people to death just for being “inferior”

    The Nazis were not anti certain groups they were anti people not part of certain groups. Sure the vast majority were Jews but a close second was russian civilians (not POW, just citizens). Disabled people were also killed. The total deaths, just for being “inferior” were 17,109,750–19,619,500

    The Nazis killed people in the worst ways they could. They would either work people to death (not slavery, because at least in slavery your master would prefer you wouldn’t die)

    The Nazis did stuff around the time everyone decided to stop being jerks. Slavery was mostly abolished by then, people mostly decided to not kill each other in wars. In fact - when Germany invaded France, some of their colonies left and formed “Vichy France” or “Free France”

    And here is where it starts to get way, way worse - the reasoning for this. Hitler didn’t do this all for material profit. He did it because he believed that the “superior” Aryan race needed land (or “living space”) to expand. He exterminated people for their race because he didn’t want the people he called inferior to intermarry with the Aryans and cause the Aryans to become less pure

    I could go on