• 7 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 24th, 2023


  • meep_launcher@lemm.eetoMemesSpot the difference
    22 days ago

    Yup. People who don’t see the difference between the two are not effected by the difference between the two. I also understand this is for both the negative and positive attributes of each administration.

    For Palestinians, I can absolutely sympathize that they see Biden supplying weapons to Israel as much as a Trump doing so. That shouldn’t be ignored.

    But on domestic policy, there is a stark contrast in the messaging and vision for LGBTQ folks, women, and black communities.

    I hope many in my circle see this, but I have had conversations with self described communists who don’t care at all about minorities. My takeaway was they became communist when they learned they could guillotine people.

  • meep_launcher@lemm.eeOPtoMemes@lemmy.mlI studied political science and jazz...
    4 months ago

    Haha, the appeal of political science to me is less about arguing with strangers about the news and more talking about broader philosophies and theories and then applying them to what we are seeing in the world. I feel like I can have a more nuanced conversation about the prisoner’s dilemma with regards to x topic, or applying philosophies like American Pragmatism to solving problems.

    Talking about the news without using some of the tools political scientists use has so many emotional trip wires that it can feel like I’m just keeping up with the Kardashians. That said sometimes I just can’t help but keep up with the Kardashians.

  • The meme is about John Calvin, who founded Calvinism. Essentially Calvinism is the idea that if God is all knowing, then God already knows who is going to heaven and who is going to hell. God is nice to the people going to heaven, so people who are wealthy and healthy are so because they are good and going to heaven. If you are poor or had an accident, it is because God is smiting you because you are bad.

    Essentially this is the root of American puritanism. In my experience of being a mentally ill person, having the thought “you have a mental illness because you are a bad person” isn’t helpful but damn it’s pervasive.

  • I think what has helped me is watching John Green/ Hank Green’s YouTube channels. The fact is bad news happens fast, but good news happens slow.

    A maternity ward was built in Sierra Leone thanks to the coordinated effort of thousands of people across the world. Patents for Tuberculosis tests and treatments have been released in the countries that need it the most. This is a disease that takes millions of lives every year, not because we don’t have the technology, but because people don’t have access to the treatments. Of course this was something that should have been taken care of decades ago, but the fact we can pressure pharmaceutical companies to release their patents for the good of humanity must mean something.

    Despair is seductive, it asks nothing but to feel sad, and you can always find reasons to despair. But the correct answer to consciousness is hope.

    I work in Chicago with non profits that are dedicated to building safe communities, to saving local and global ecosystems, to public health access, to helping house the homeless.

    I fully believe that there isn’t anything wrong with the world that can’t be solved with what is right with the world. And when I feel despair, which I am oft to do, I look at my friends, my community, those that roll up their sleeves, shake hands, and do what they can with what they have.