• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • So is Canada, but it has 64% of homes with air conditioning.

    Also, maybe it’s just me, but like didn’t England, France, Spain, Italy and southern Germany all hit like 100f (38c) or higher this summer (and other summers before that)?

    It’s less of a story and more a telling sign that climate change is having a direct impact on humans that it’s becoming more and more necessary for people in even European, Canadian and even PNW climates to adapt and outfit houses and businesses with them.

  • It’s a catch-22 though. Like, if I get out of my car for 5 minutes with it off then it just heats up to 1000 degrees. I get that the idea of quickly going in and walking out is nice, and I would honestly prefer to not have it at all (yay for just making coffee at home). However for us in incredibly hot climates it isn’t something I ever try to do. It’s 107 out today, 5 minutes with my car off turns it into like 135 on the inside. Of course all of this just adds more to emissions. Which is all of the problem….

  • The cost of living is lower in Canada? That’s gotta be a new one. Literally everybody in Canada complains about how the cost of living there is skyrocketing. Their home prices are worse than Cali. I was just up there in 2021 and it was pennys on the dollar for me with exchange rates, but stuff was definitely expensive up there compared to even Cali where I’m from. The only thing cheaper is healthcare and schooling but that’s just subsidized.

  • Are the cops supposed to shoot the flames? Hawaii is like one of the most taxed states. Not to mention they have public safety systems. These rapid fires like this and paradise aren’t really something you can ever be prepared for at all. An entire town having to evacuate in less than 2 minutes is never going to successfully happen. No amount of money on this earth will change that. We can build better fire resistant buildings, and create defensible space, but this was kind of a last thought disaster for Hawaii.

  • As a former larger school district sysadmin all I’m going to say is Fuccckkkkk Surface products. The repair ability of surface devices (sans Surface Laptops) is so bad it’s basically a throwaway device. We wouldn’t dare switch from ChromeOS to that, not because of the whole Microsoft problem or learning a new ecosystem but just simply because we cannot possibly in-house repair those devices and Microsoft support on surface devices is Asssssssss. I had one bad surface in my life and I spent half a work day with MS Support just to get them to send me a box to ship it in so they could repair it.

  • While I agree with the dataset point I will say that I don’t believe this to be rage bait. It’s just pointing out and saying exactly what something did. That said AI isn’t meant for taking a picture and asking it to do something more with it for now. As well though to AI when it has tags like “professional headshot” in America and as an English input it will most likely pull from data that’s built around Hollywood types which will be a completely lopsided amount of blondes with blue eyes. It’s really important to me though that people read stuff like this article, and understand how we end up with some “news” outlets saying things like “someone said computers are racist” without understanding the context such as this. Outputs are only as good as the inputs.