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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • people who see drug use as the same whether it be meth or weed.

    But they are correct about this part, there is no ethical or moral difference between using amphetamines and using cannabis.

    And they don’t see beer the same way usually.

    Well, they’re incorrect about that part. But I’m not going to change the way I talk just because other people are wrong. Think about it: I’d never stop changing the way I talk.

    But we’re having a conversation about perception here.


    I worked as a chemical dependency counselor for years with all types of addicts. To me, alcohol is scarier than all of them. Quitting drugs is never fun or easy, but alcohol withdrawal will kill you straight up. One cannot quit cold turkey. In my opinion, alcohol is the hardest drug yet invented, it just also happens to be more socially acceptable than the other ones. Challenging this perception is something I care about quite a bit.

  • IMO Reddit had been sinking into enshittification since New Reddit came around, with the suggested posts and the ads.

    However. No one expected the process to lurch forward so quickly. I think the Reddit admins were trying to enshittify things slowly, but after looking at what happened with Twitter in the last year or so, they realized they could “tear the bandaid off” so to speak, and maintain (perhaps I should say attain?) profitability.

    It’s a bunch of horseshit. I was never comfortable with so much of the internet being concentrated into corporate-owned spaces and I’m glad to see that other people feel the same way.

  • Let me clarify this for you.

    Whenever you read anything about police in the USA, mentally replace “police” with “the mafia, but for rich white people.”

    They are not only allowed to carry weapons, they are encouraged to kill, and they are protected from legal action by what we call “qualified immunity.” The court system is thoroughly corrupted at all levels, from small local courts up to the Supreme Court. Police officers are allowed to do whatever they want and change the narrative afterwards, and the court system laps it up, seemingly unaware that police are only human and can totally lie. The police officer who killed George Floyd was involved in multiple murders before that fateful day in 2020, and that was just one guy.

    The USA has a higher rate of imprisonment per capita than China does. Our leadership genuinely feels we have to keep millions of people locked up and working for corporations for literal pennies an hour, or else the whole system will start to fall apart.

    Backward doesn’t even begin to cover it. Barbaric would be closer.