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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Well, the whole thing is completely implausible in a lot of ways, but to start with the basic premise: Canada does not punish people for calling the PM racist. Calling the PM racist is a popular sport lately in Canada. Nobody cares, because almost everyone knows that basically it isn’t true. He’s an idiot, but not a particularly racist one. Nor is “exposing the true nature of the Hong Kong riots”, whatever their nature might in fact be, anything that could possibly incur the wrath of the Canadian civil service, that part of it responsible for issuing passports. Canada may be corrupt and cruel in various ways, but not in anything resembling the ways depicted here. Its government is not going to do anything that would risk creating a major scandal, and this certainly would if there were any truth in it whatsoever, in order to be capriciously cruel to someone for no apparent reason other than to defend the honour of Hong Kong protesters. It makes no sense whatsoever.

    I mean there’s really no reason to read beyond the headline to see this. That it expects us to believe NATO is somehow involved kinda gives it away that this is pure bullshit. But the more one does read, the zanier it gets. Although for all I know maybe there really is a “Carl Chen”. I’ve talked to homeless people with far weirder tales to tell than that one, even one guy who was abducted by the Grey aliens.

  • It’s Mitchell Baker’s expression of the naive but still-fashionable idea that the way to deal with the evils of today’s dominant centralized social media is to tweak the algorithms and otherwise adjust things so that they do not promote undesirable effects such as all the “culture war” bullshit. It was instantly seized on by people using it to promote culture war bullshit, perhaps in large part because it mentioned Donald Trump. As part of a series of simplistic yet easy-to-misinterpret statements the reaction to which seemingly persuaded Baker to stick with more safely bland and meaningless public statements in more recent times, it is perhaps of some historical interest. But it’s unclear why you’ve dug it up now if not with some ulterior motive in mind.

  • This means that all content from communities which are hosted there is hidden. Posts from users of blocked instances are still visible in other places.

    Cool! Although it’s not quite what I imagined. It’s widespread problematic posts and comments from users on instances I’d want to block in other communities I do follow which I was thinking of, and those wouldn’t be affected? I have not seen a whole lot of it so far, but I saw enough to think about it a little.

    It might be more complicated, as I suppose you’d have to hide all the replies to comments from user-blocked instances as well. Maybe it could be done client-side? Seems like giving users that option would mean less motivation for defederating.

  • I’d be among the first to agree that Mozilla has made a lot of bad choices, but this video doesn’t cover the important ones, whines interminably about some trivial ones, and generally says very little that’s of interest. And I’ve already seen it linked to like 3 times on lemmy.

  • Just to let you know, your ipv6 address for lemmy.catasaur.xyz is misconfigured, pointing to a local address (fe80). I couldn’t send you a dm, maybe because your ipv6 addr is misconfigured, so replying to a random comment.

    I too have recently quit reddit. It was getting hard enough to put up with even without seeing the ads.