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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • There’s another article I’ll drop here that talks about how cigarette manufacturers, once their addictive schemes were found out, went on to make Kraft Foods and Nabisco (who make oreos). Using their background in peddling addictive substances, they utilized the same model by creating “hyper palatable foods.” basically, foods full of carbs and sugar, that trigger the dopamine response in your brain.

    This means they were able to make Oreos as addictive as cocaine.

    They drove people to early death from lung cancer, emphysema, and COPD, and when their scheme was found out, they started driving people to early death from diabetes, heart disease, and every other condition that obesity exacerbates.

    There are currently class action lawsuits going after opioid makers for their lies about the addictive properties of their drug (FUCK THE SACKLER FAMILY), why not these Kraft foods too?

  • not gonna lie, after reading the article, there’s not a lot there. I understand that people can be put in positions where they feel like they “have” to say yes, but they literally don’t? I think this is more of a case like Louie C.K. These guys are likely autistic and lacking the ability to really clue in on social cues. Guys that have always been unattractive and lacking in attention from women, suddenly has all the attention of women! So they do dumb stuff, that they should have learned not to do when they were young, but again, nerds gonna nerd, and nerds have not always been celebrated like they are today. I think he just going through a slutty phase because he finally can. from his texts he doesn’t come off as a predator, but as a person who’s so used to being told “no,” that he doesn’t know what to do with himself or how to act once they started saying “yes.”