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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 26th, 2023


  • Java did have a Security Manager that can be used to prevent this sort of thing. The original thinking was that the Java runtime would essentially be an OS, and you could have different applets running within the runtime. This required a permission system where you could confine the permissions of parts of a Java program without confining the entire thing; which led to the Java security manager.

    Having said that, the Java Security Manager, while an interesting idea, has never been good. The only place it has ever seen significant use was in webapps, where it earned Java the reputation for being insecure. Nowadays, Java webapps are ancient history due to the success of Javascript.

    The security manager was depreciated in Java 17, and I believe removed entirely in Java 21.

  • homura1650@lemm.eetoScience Memes@mander.xyzPhysics
    3 months ago

    The difference between physics and magic is that physics works by describing the forces acting on a system. To predict an outcome, you just progressivly apply those forces over time.

    With magic, you just specify the outcome, but not how you get there.

    This is how we know that thermodynamics is magic. Conservation laws and Lagrangeans too.


  • There are still a lot of rather arbitrary decisions to make.

    Is 4/pi inside or outside of the summation?

    Is it (-1)^n+1 or (-1)^n with an additional negative sign in any of the other natural locations for it.

    Is the e term outside of the fraction with a negative exponent, or part of the denominator.

    Do you start with n=0 or n=1 (and adjust the terms inside the summation accordingly)

    Did they expand (2n+1)^2?

  • Coming around? When was he on the wrong side of this issue?

    His October 10 statement includes:

    Right now, the international community must focus on reducing humanitarian suffering and protecting innocent people on both sides of this conflict. The targeting of civilians is a war crime, no matter who does it. Israel’s blanket denial of food, water, and other necessities to Gaza is a serious violation of international law and will do nothing but harm innocent civilians. The United States has rightly offered solidarity and support to Israel in responding to Hamas’ attack. But we must also insist on restraint from Israeli forces attacking Gaza and work to secure UN humanitarian access. Let us not forget that half of the two million people in Gaza are children. Children and innocent people do not deserve to be punished for the acts of Hamas.

    October 10. 3 days after the initial attack.

    Back in January he tried conditioning aid to Israel and requiring the state department to issue human rights report on their conducts.

  • I know this is a small part of the feature; but it is the small part that offends me, and I see it all the time, so I am going to complain about it here.

    Can we please stop saying “women and nonbinary” when we mean (charitably) “fem presenting people”; or (non charitably) “women and people who are actually women, but call themselves non-binary to be cool”.

    Most people using this feature will not be happy getting matched with a masc presenting person. And the insinuation that non-binary is a type of women is common, offensive to afab enbys, and erasing to amab enbies.

  • This is not merely a matter of demographics.

    Official Israeli policy for the past 75 years is that any Jew [0] from anywhere in the world has the right to migrate to Israel and gain Israeli citizenship.

    In 2018, Israel passed a “basic law”, which is the closest thing they have to a constitutional amendment, clarifying that it views itself as a Jewish state.

    Even without getting into any of Israel’s unofficial policies, it is no secret what they are trying to do.

    [0] Almost any. The law does allow them to deny citizenship ship for various security and public safty reasons; although it is rarely invoked.

  • Not nessasarily, the protocol could be written so that an instance simply tells other federared instances “X of my users upvoted this, and Y downvoted this”.

    The tradeoff being that instance then have less tools to work with to moderate voting. Instead of being able to do global vote ring detection, the most they can do is look for abuse on their own server, and trust that every instance they vote-federate with does the same. Even then, with every instance trying to be vigilant, no one instance would have the info to detect a cross-instance abuse.