Did you shred it before? If not, they already have what you put in publicly, available publicly, and it’s all saved on their end even if you shred all publicly available content.
Reddit got your thoughts and they will monetize them either selling the data to AI companies or just getting ad/personal data money from people reading your content and interacting with it on their website.
It sucks to admit but if you didn’t shred your account reddit still profits off you publicly, and even if you did shred your account, they will profit off you in backrooms instead.
Moving to Linux sounds cool and is cool until you realize 2 things, one, you can fuck yourself in ways you didn’t know possible.
2, windows is dominant and you will lose access to a fair portion of games immediately upon switching.
Unless you really need to lower background bloat, develop code, or got something vehemently against windows, its not worth the swap for 90%+ of the population, you will go back.
I didn’t mind the learning curve, realizing the sheer amount of programs and games that have no development plan for Linux was what made me swap back.