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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: April 12th, 2021

  • been reading hackernews for years, can say with no doubt they are utterly reactionary fascists generally, who have extremely inflated egos and genuinely believe in things like “value add”, “market incentives”, “CEOs aren’t paid enough because their ‘value add’ is so high”, “governance models”, “technocracy”, but the worst is their “debate” bro culture

    everything is a debate, and it’s their elevated minds who need to be convinced by the common poors of anything. they’ll often question flippantly extremely basic concepts like whether quality of life is bad for poor people, whether black and or LGBT people are genuinely oppressed, but posture it as a debate and that they’re just “curious” and “looking for evidence” when they prove in their first few sentences they haven’t spent even 1 minute looking for evidence, or they’d already know

    their average immense wealth (I would say hackernews readership is 100k+ typical income, and heavily biased towards the viewpoint of 500k+ job hoppers and multimillionaire tech “leaders”) blinds them to everything that isn’t a javascript framework

    they genuinely believe they are the cutting edge of humanity and the only hope for leading the world towards full automation, good “governance” through decentralized or even literal feudal kingdom style arrangements, etc

    i have nothing, nothing good to say about hackernews demographic. any time you see anything even remotely left wing or pro union let alone socialist or anything not in line with the US imperialist line, it’s piled on by a bunch of fascists and downvoted or hidden

  • There are no “trans or gender issues”. There is no “issue”. There is only a trend of certain genders and types of people being oppressed by the dominant power structures, and if you have a wrong take on them you are wrong. You are not a good communist. Sure, you can be a communist. But you’re being willfully ignorant. Not something to hold up as a great example.