
  • 1 Post
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2021


  • I had this dream for many months and possibly years on end and recurred sporadically for years after. I was on the inside of a semi-transparent moon like object looking out and everything was kind of blurry.

    This dream was consistently across each dream state, I guess it was some kind of memory of being in the womb as it had always had that home kind of feeling. I had this dream from as early as I can remember up until around 6 or 7 years old.

  • I agree. My laptop battery lasts so much longer without having to fire up the web browser. I barley look at all the rubbish sites I used to check; not out of need but by habit.

    After visiting some of those sites, it was visually like being hit in the face with a brick, in comparison to Gemini.

    Lets hope more people find a place for Gemini in their lives, from personal experience I’m far less stressed and actually enjoy browsing other peoples Gems.

  • I use nano in xfce4-terminal. But I have that open within a screen type of program called byobu. In the other tabs I have a sshfs opened to my flounder account.

    I run it through a spell check using hunspell, also on the terminal, what can I say, I really enjoy the terminal.

    I have a write up on my capsule if anyone is interested, covers all of the above.
