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Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • If the law says you can’t kill people by driving into them, and then someone slides into them (intentionally), is that illegal?

    It depends on how it’s defined in the law. States generally don’t write laws that define vehicular homicide solely as striking a person specifically with the front of a passenger car for exactly this reason. Further, the need for precision in law is why intentional acts and negligent acts are generally defined separately e.g., murder vs manslaughter.

    Beyond that, judges exist and are given sentencing discretion (or at least should be) because there are mitigating circumstances… in other words shit happens.

    Discretion in enforcement/prosecution is not the same thing as enforcing something that isn’t defined in law. One is arguably a necessary component of real justice, the other is how authoritarianism functions.

    The National Firearms Act has very specific language defining what constitutes a machine gun. It does not include language giving the executive branch power to expand that definition. Either something meets that legal definition and is legally a machine gun or it isn’t.

    I’m not even saying that it’s impossible for an enforcing agency to be given those powers – the FDA, for example, has been given pretty sweeping authority to classify drugs. In fact, they have the explicit authority to classify analogs of illegal drugs as illegal. That’s basically the parallel to what’s being discussed here with the NFA and the ATF.

    The difference is that Congress hasn’t given the ATF the authority to do so. If you want the law to grant the ability to enforce a less specific definition than what exists in the current law then you need to either change the law to carry a more expansive definition and/or give the enforcing agency the power to make that definition outright. Either of those things would allow the sort of enforcement the other commenter was calling for, but it would be within the letter of the law.

    The point wasnt that you can’t enact a particular law or even that you can’t allow for enforcement to be adaptive – it was that rule of law requires that adaptiveness to be defined within the law itself. It’s totally okay if the law says “it depends and here’s who decides.” It’s not okay to decide to enforce the law on the basis of “this is what I feel like the law should do” even if the actual language of the law doesn’t support it.

  • With that price I feel like the dev has 0 faith in lemmy getting very big

    It feels kind of the opposite to me.

    Going back and checking my Google account history, I paid $1 for Sync Pro. In 2012. And was using it up until last month. In retrospect, that was far too low a price for the utility I got out of the app for literally years.

    If anything, it feels like the dev has learned that lesson and has priced the lifetime option where it’s actually sustainable for them if Lemmy stays around.

  • It doesn’t help that, by the power of marketing, people can mean multiple distinctly different things when they say “bed leveling”.

    What you’re referring to is Z offset. This is the difference between where the endstop or probe triggers versus the actual Z coordinate of the nozzle. This is generally what you’re trying to set with the paper test. The paper test is only mostly accurate, though. A set of feeler gauges will do the same job with better accuracy.

    It can also mean tramming, which is making the bed itself planar to the printer’s gantry. This is what you’re doing when you adjust the ‘bed leveling’ screws on a printer or what happens automatically if you have triple lead ‘bed leveling.’ It pretty critical that Z offset is set correctly for autotramming. Manual tramming is essentially setting Z offset to be consistent at each of the bed adjustment points.

    Finally, mesh compensation also gets called bed leveling. Even if you have a perfectly trammed bed, the reality is that real, physical things (like beds) are never perfectly flat. Mesh compenstation probes multiple points along the bed, registers the difference between Z0 and the probed point, and builds a mesh that the printer uses to compensate for variations in the bed surface. The denser the mesh, the better the printer can compensate for small variations in surface flatness.

    All of these things are complementary and will have an impact on each other. The fact that they all get lumped into “bed leveling” causes a lot of confusion for folks when understanding what each is and does is pretty important to get the most out of a printer.

  • A 2.4 will be better than an Ender 3, but there are better options out there. The flying gantry is a solution in search of a problem, the gantry is heavy and not particularly rigid, Voron toolheads don’t cool particularly well, the rigid bed mounting is a recipe for bed taco, etc.

    Which isn’t to say that V2s are bad printers – they can turn out great prints. But if you’re starting fresh today, I’d seriously consider any number of printers over it.

    If you want to stay within the Voron ecosystem for whatever reason, the Trident’s a better design. It still lacks things like kinematic bed mounting that are standard fair on other designs today, though. I’d stay away from Tap on any of them – I’m still baffled that thing gets promoted as being a good idea.

    In terms of bang for your buck, it’s incredibly difficult to beat the VzBot kits. It’ll be a less expensive and more capable machine than a V2.4. There are panels available to enclose it. I don’t love the Z stage on it, but I can overlook it given the value the rest of the printer gets you.

    The Annex K3 is an absolutely killer little machine, but is only 180x180 build volume. The small build volume is free rigidity, though, and K3s can be made true high temp capable with less relative effort than a lot of printers. I’m not as big a fan of the larger Annex printers (K1/K2), personally.

    The Rat Rig v-Core was probably the best value CoreXY before the VzBot kits came around. Enclosing them is more of a challenge due to all the PETG parts, though. The EVA toolhead provides a ton of flexibility for mixing and matching parts, if that’s your thing.

    In terms of take it out of the box and print, nothing beats the Bambu X1 and P1P. They’re great units. They’re a closed ecosystem though, and not modification friendly if that’s what you want.

    My main workhorse printer’s a Railcore II. Great machine, but the design’s aging and I generally wouldn’t recommend a new build today outside of a few very specific applications. It was cutting edge when the design was released in 2018, but, as with the 2.4, the wider community has learned a lot since then about fundamental printer design and there are better options now.

  • I am by no means a fan of DWS, but this is a tired old narrative that’s always been questionable at best.

    DWS and the DNC absolutely had a personal preference for Clinton and definitely did Bernie no favors, but the fact of the matter is that Bernie has simply never been popular enough with Democratic voters to win the nomination. He has always over performed in caucuses and underperformed in primaries in more diverse states. And that’s without getting into the fact that caucuses are less democratic and have real accessibility issues in the first place. He lost the popular vote among Democrats by more than 3.5 million votes.

    Unfortunately, the story has become “the DNC stole the election” when the reality is that a cranky old man from Vermont who has always had trouble connecting with the black voters that are a core part of the Democratic voting bloc didn’t have the popularity needed to make it out of the primaries, twice.

    It’d be more helpful for progressive politics to focus on why that was and finding a candidate who can message in a way that appeals more broadly to the party as a whole, but instead we’re constantly relitigating how the DNC magically pressed buttons that caused Bernie to lose within the party by millions of votes.