• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • This is the case for me as well. I tried NixOS this weekend, and even though it has more adoption than Guix, it still does not have 100% coverage of all software I wanted. That said, the packages I did install were pretty up-to-date. I guess NixOS is as close to “critical mass” as we’ve got when it comes to this type of OS. But if I were a wizard devops type person with more time, I’d probably enjoy Guix more.

  • Given encouragement to try tmux, here is what I’ve come up with as a “one-liner” (script) that does what I was originally looking for:

    tmux new-session -d -s split_screen_grep \; \
      send-keys "/bin/sh -c '$1' | tee /tmp/split_screen_grep.txt" C-m \; \
      split-window -h \; \
      select-pane -t 1 \; \
      send-keys "tail -f /tmp/split_screen_grep.txt | grep '$2'" C-m \;
    tmux attach-session -t split_screen_grep

    I use it as follows, first arg is a command, second arg is a pattern to search for:

    $ ./split-grep "cat big_file.txt" "tmux"

  • Here’s how I would investigate this:

    1. Try disabling MolecularNodes (and any other add-on) just to be sure it isn’t the culprit
    2. The CPU usage seems like an important clue. When you say “My computer is not locked due to memory, CPU, nor GPU usage”, how does this relate to “just noticed that Blender is still using 100% CPU”? Any chance it is trying to render via CPU instead of GPU?
    3. Check the journalctl logs on the command-line, i.e. in the Terminal app, type journalctl | grep -i blender (the symbol between journalctl and grep is a pipe aka vertical bar) I’d be looking for things like crashed processes, warnings, or errors, especially around the time of the freeze.

  • Ah, thanks! Slightly different location, but basically the same. Here we go:

    $ grep CONFIG_KERNEL_ /boot/config-6.4.6-76060406-generic
    # CONFIG_KERNEL_GZIP is not set
    # CONFIG_KERNEL_BZIP2 is not set
    # CONFIG_KERNEL_LZMA is not set
    # CONFIG_KERNEL_XZ is not set
    # CONFIG_KERNEL_LZO is not set
    # CONFIG_KERNEL_LZ4 is not set

    So the kernel is “zstd” compressed.

    OTOH, I’m not sure if this means anything about initrd (ASCII cpio archive??)

    $ file /boot/initrd.img-6.4.6-76060406-generic 
    /boot/initrd.img-6.4.6-76060406-generic: ASCII cpio archive (SVR4 with no CRC)