• 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: March 26th, 2020

  • Well it’s from the same website you previously read and commented with the comment “good article” here https://lemmygrad.ml/post/3666

    Marxism is a ruthless critique of all that exists and a documented approach of how supposedly marxist organisations have behaved in previous class and world proletarian conflicts is in my view completely in line with rule 5

    Anarchobolshevik claims “clumsy analysis” by the trots to which I would respond "either the trots don’t know what they’re talking about in which case they’re producing nothing but confusion.

    Or they do know and betraying the worlds proletariat by siding with imperialism.

    In either case they serve reaction."

    Lemmy is too small right now so I get you’re trying to appeal to as broadly as the left as possible which I would say is a mistake because reddit is for the masses (and always will be given its size) and raddle is for radlibs and anarchists - why allow them here?

    Anyway all the best with Lemmy I hope it gets bigger but I will bow out until this place is a decent place for Marxists and until you purge that shitlib anarchobullshit mod from a frigging communist sub

  • You wanted to argue that the clumsy analyses are somehow a structural failure of Trotskyism (otherwise the author wouldn’t repeatedly emphasize the terminology), and I gave you a counterexample.

    You picked a fringe trot group literally no one has heard of

    Hundreds of leftoids exhibit this, including many MLs.

    Would be genuinely interested in learning about ML groups that haven’t gone off the deep end into revisionism that clang for imperialism.


    fair enough lol I’m not bothered

    I had a quick look at raddle and that’s run by a bunch of whiny anarchists. Turns out here is too. All the best

  • they subconsciously hate Gaddafi more than NATO

    For every trot group that likes Ghadaffi I can show you a dozen that hate them. same for DPRK.

    And Trotskyist Platform don’t represent the Trotskyist movement. If we’re gonna pick a trot org that does it would CWI who are very active in Aus as well. One of which was criticised here

    If criticisms must be made, make them in a principled manner, applying Marxist analysis.

    Seems principled enough in a marxist analysis tbh