aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]

I don’t know what this is

  • 22 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • politically illiterate (liberals) who dislike leftism for a variety of reasons, many of them actually personal failings (shitty teacher/school admin, can’t break into the big bourgeoisie, incel because ugly/poor/misogynist, friends doing better than they are <- this is a big one) but in their minds easily attributed to leftist politics

    To be fair you could say the exact same thing for a sizeable amount of “anti capitalist” people in the West. Politically illiterate liberals who mix up criticism of capitalism with personal failings.

    in these people’s minds they’re just built different and would have been fine or would be doing even better if china had completely capitulated and ended up like CIS or idk, india

    Again lol, you see this mindset in a minority of Westen leftists on the internet as well. “If my country was just communist instead of capitalist I’d be living my best life” type of mindset. I guess the idea of the grass being greener on the other side is just part of the human experience if life sucks for someone at the moment.

    This is not intended as a defence of capitalism, just to be clear before someone misreads my comment.

  • tromp Folks, the bourgeois, they’re no good, more and more people are saying it. All these workers— the biggest, we have the biggest workers— very handsome workers come up to me and say, Comrade Trump there is a specter haunting Europe, and you know what, they’re right. These bourgeois are very nasty people, very very rude, and very unfair to the workers. They are stealing our surplus value and no one is doing anything about it. The proletariat comes up to me every day and says, Comrade Trump will you lead the revolution? And I gotta turn to them and say look, the instruments of capitalism will be used to bring about its destruction, believe me. The means of production, Obama never wanted to seize them. Well guess what? I’m seizing them. Landlords? They’re done for folks. Everyone told me— they said, Comrade Trump you won’t be the vanguard of the revolution and they would laugh, the media laughed the democrats laughed, guess who’s laughing now? tromp

    a-little-trolling Folks, what we did in 1917–the Revolution we call it, with a capital R–it’s never been done before. So many big beautiful red flags, you couldn’t even–now that, folks, that’s a flag we stand up for, we don’t kneel for our terrific red flag–and you couldn’t even see the Winter Palace. You know the Mensheviks, and Renegade Kautsky, they said we couldn’t do it! They said, “Oh, Vlad, the material conditions are bad, we have to have a bourgeois republic to develop the forces of production.” You know what that means, right? Semi-feudal economy! Well, look at where we are now, Julius. We are going to develop the forces of production so fast it’ll make your head spin. We are going to do in a generation what it took them many, many years to do. a-little-trolling

    trump-who-must-go We’re bringing back bread, folks! And not just bread, but peace too–and you know, the Left-SRs, they’re very nasty to me about Brest-Litovsk, they say I make bad deals with the Germans, even though, nobody does treaties better than me, and the Germans are tough, but when they deal with me they know my reputation, they know I make the best deals, and you know, many people in Germany, they say they want Lenin too! Little pickelhaub man is scared, because he knows that we have built an incredible movement, and we are gonna have world revolution, the biggest revolution anyone has ever had. But, still, you know, the fake bourgeois media, the white guards, they say “He colluded with the Germans, he got on the train, did this did that”–and they’re just crazed. They are really crazed. Right. And we can’t just let that happen, because there’s nothing to do with Germany, nothing at all. Total witch hunt. Very unfair. trump-who-must-go

  • Beans and lentils are mostly carbohydrates and peanuts are mostly fat. For instance cooked lentils are 9% protein by weight, but 20% carbohydrates. Peanut butter is 27% protein by weight, but also 55% fat. Yes these foods do contain a lot of protein, but when you’re trying to target a specific macronutrient (protein in this case) it’s not helpful to eat something that mostly contains a macronutrient you’re not targeting. It can easily lead to overshooting calorie targets, which is fine when bulking, but bad for maintenance and terrible for cutting. I think OP is looking for foods where the primary macronutrient is protein. Someone like seitan.

  • That doesn’t make quacks like chiropractors or chronic lyme specialists correct though, the latter of which is the context of this comment thread. The medical establishment is correct in their assesment of chronic lyme not being a real medical condition. In fact, pseudoscientific fraudsters such as people that run chronic lyme treatment camps, prey on people struggling with chronic illness so that they can sell them ill-effective treatments, which leads to coercive and abusive situations. The medical establishment being clear on what is real and what is not is good for preventing these abusive or coercive situations from occurring. Thus people suffering with undiagnosed chronic illness can move forward and seek a diagnosis based on sound medical advice, instead of wasting their time getting treatment for a condition that doesn’t exist.