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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I work in an area where it’s impossible to record their behavior, and since there were so many people doing it snitching wasn’t an option. They were smart enough to only “joke” when management was within earshot and resume actual harassment when they left.

    I still work with that same group, funny enough they went back to being buddy-buddy once I got vaccinated and was able to drop the mask.

    I have forgiven them in the sense that I don’t think about it when I interact with them, but now I know how selfish they are and how they’d happily push me into a wood chipper if it meant they could avoid having to wear a small piece of fabric on their face.

  • Honestly, therapy. I basically had the same reaction when my coworkers, who i thought were pretty alright, would cough in my general direction and say survival of the fittest because I was wearing a mask during peak covid. I had a lung condition that put me at high risk, and I told them that… And that lead them to be even more hostile to me, openly saying they hoped I’d get covid and die off quickly.

    I struggled with the fact that people can turn on you so fast, and that people couldn’t do the minimum effort to prevent someone they know from dying. We used to be cool, pretty often we went out to eat and hung out outside of work hours, then in the span of a couple months they were practically verbally assaulting me every day. I talked to a therapist and it really helped. I barely remember what they told me since it was years ago now, but it got me through it and I rarely think about it now.

  • The worst thing a video game can do is be boring. Buggy games can be fun as you laugh at the absurdity of the physics. That was honestly one of the reasons I stuck with fallout 3, because I loved that you could turn someone supersonic with enough landmines. Even if the game crashes and you lose progress, you can’t lose the fun you had playing the game.

    I recently replayed fallout 3 after starfield failed to scratch my Bethesda itch, and I realized how much more alive the world felt (and how much less often I saw a loading screen when doing quests).

  • I think those make sense as deviations. I’ve heard “my sequel” but you’re absolutely right about postgresql.

    The name is kinda irrelevant like hard vs soft g in gif. People know what you mean when you say either.

    But in that same vein, the creator of the “graphics interchange format” says the pronunciation is soft g, but basically everyone says hard g… So “official” pronunciation is kinda irrelevant.

    I don’t judge anyone who uses whichever term they want, but I’ve just noticed the general trend in my smallish interaction bubble.

  • Not op, but it’s not bad but it’s definitely not a part of the main three books. You kinda have to consider it like the “jax and the broken house” story. Narrow Road is a bit longer than that story, but it’s an order of magnitude less than either of the two ‘main’ books.

    If you like his writing and you’re hungry for more of his work, it’s a good way to scratch that itch… But it functioned like an appetizer for me, I was sated for a bit but I can tell I’m going to end up even hungrier for the next proper book than I was before.