• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I don’t need to waste my time but you amuse me. For fun I’ll only use the source you provided.

    if they’re already leaving because of high taxes

    Citation needed, the source you linked says they’re leaving because WFH became popular during the pandemic, not because of high taxes.

    The chart shown is for earners making more than 200k, whom are not the target of the millionaire tax.

    The opinionated article then goes on to say the largest block of folks leaving are age 55-65, and they’re mostly moving to Florida. This is not a new trend, but I’ll admit I’m not going to dig up a source to prove that it’s not new. That being said nothing you’ve cited shows that retirees are leaving because of the millionaire tax, only that FL doesn’t have state income tax.

    You’re free to draw whatever conclusions you want from the data provided but I don’t see how it’s at all relevant to the post.

  • I had a great time, i eventually made it to the pig slide, it was neat but i have no idea how he got so fast. checked out the street markets near government center, that was fun. Some guy with a violin started following me around, i had my own soundtrack for a while, that was cool even though it sounded sad. Found the greenway, that place is pretty awesome. A lady slapped a cheap bracelet on me and bullied me to give her money. Checked out the freedom trail and got humbled. The park with the giant MLK arms had Shakespeare stuff going on, that was neat. Watched a street performer do a balancing act. There were cow statues…everywhere. I may need some elaboration on the cow statues. Tried to figure out if i should buy a 10 ride T pass or just pay as I go, panicked about getting stuck somewhere and ran away. i really wanted to get to the museum of science and the USS constitution but i started freaking out missing my flight so I got to the airport 3 hours early and everything went fine. Excited to come back here, thank you all for the suggestions.