Venat [he/him, any]

  • 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2024


  • If you’ve seen Scary Movie, it’s the same sort of humor from that era. It isn’t just shows from the 2000s, it’s being a Millennial child in the 2000s that made it palatable.

    Rewatching it now is really ugly. Kind of like that Marge Simpson story where her story is really gross, bizarre, and bigoted - a reference to the caricature of Apu - where you’d just find it severely distasteful.

  • A lot of videos, articles, and academics were exclaiming this is the end of Israel. But the US is determined to see this through because any breaks are an admittance that most of the government, legislative, administrative, executive, elected, appointed, and mid level officers were complicit and enabled genocide.

    This is a fight over logistics, and Israel has US resources at its disposal.

    They plan to get Hamas to surrender, occupy Gaza, cleanse the rest and hide the evidence and investigators, journalists, activists will be barred from inspections. Census, forged.

  • You can’t remain civil with people trying to downplay genocide through deflection, downscale, and redirection.

    If you are trying to articulate why this bothers you, the reader, as it does me then allow me to attempt an articulation:

    Giving this person free reign is not civility but license to exercise the normalization of genocide by painting its dissidents as irrational and uncouth; a license to dehumanize the victims of genocide as lost causes because Hamas has disqualified them from human protections. In other words, they are the white moderate from MLK’s reference. Paraphrasing for the modern times: I want to sympathize with your plight but it is unseemly to do so.

  • This Fantasy perfect response is to… *stop arming a genocidal state. *

    All your accomplishing here is the expression that you just don’t think Palestinians are really human. Perhaps you don’t think they’re animals, but they’re just complete non-entities in your mind.

    If your reality as you perceive it is the same as ours, that our government is enabling genocide, then this is a government that is deeply evil. And in your learned helplessness and political impotence, your lack of imagination and will to change things beyond standing in line to cast a vote and thinking “I did my part”, you scold people for not wanting to vote for the Democrat.