• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • A close friend was raised in the Carolinas. They were taught that the civil war was about “states rights”. It wasn’t until they were an adult that they did their own looking into what “rights” the southern states were fighting for. It really opened my eyes to how the blinders have been put on so many people. I’m 100% sure that I have my own set, but it’s important to remember, and engage these people when you have an opportunity.

  • 1)I generally don’t sweat a ton.
    2)The sweat I do have isn’t particularly odorous. 3)My spouse says that they LIKE the way I smell.

    I’ve tried antiperspirant a few times but it makes my armpits itch about the same as poison ivy. Last time I had to get some anti-it h cream because it was driving me insane. Even “mild” deodorant causes issues after a few days of wear.

  • I had a bit of an epiphany a decade or two back that I wished the same wish, and realized that if nobody else was going to be “that guy” that I’d have to do it. My neighbors hardly even knock on my door, but just walk right in now. They also know that I may or may not have beer in the fridge, and they’ve realized that they can find their own cups/plates/spoons etc. Its low stress at my house. Not always clean and neat, but that’s on them… if you want a spotless, perfectly planned party, they’re welcome to invite me to theirs lol. So far, nobody’s complained :)

  • I’m “that guy” in my neighborhood. Burgers ,beer and football are generally at my house. I invite neighbors to dinner all the time. Just this evening one of them texted a half dozen of us because their shredded cheese was moldy and they had a different set of friends coming for dinner. A neighbor i introduced to this newish neighbor walked a bag of cheese over to them.

    Best part is that when everyone gets drunk, nobody has to drive. Or if I’m at a party at their house and need to poop, I can walk an extra 200 feet and use my own bathroom. I have keys to at least 4 of their houses.

    Neighbor friends are the best.