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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • You know it when you go to work and it doesn’t feel like work. It doesn’t feel like an absolute drag to get out of bed.

    I’m an HVAC engineer. I love my job, to me it’s like spending all day solving logic puzzles or a detective mystery. I found I was pretty good at it about 6 months into the job, when I figured out a problem the senior techs couldn’t. I enjoy being out and about instead of chained to a desk.

    A job/career doesn’t have to be a passion. Just something you don’t dread everyday. My passion is in sports but somehow engineering was something I was good at, it felt satisfying fixing things. I’d never make my passion my job cause I know it would completely ruin it for me.

  • Adding on to that, its not just the surplus produce. Its all the rest of the produce that’s unusable by us humans.

    When we grow something like corn, we’re only growing it for the kernels that we can consume. We can’t physiologically make use of the stalks, stems and leaves, but an animal like the goat? They’ll chew up anything green and turn that into usable calories we humans can make use of.

  • Ford for all his flaws had plenty of revolutionary ideas that actually improved workers conditions. Even if he only did it to capture the workers and “lock them in”, it was much better than what any of the competitors were offering and it forced the competitors to improve their conditions to retain workers.

    The worst part of that ruling was that some of the minority shareholders were actually competitors and they used that money to start up their own competing factories.

    Just goes to show how focusing on the business long term is always in the shareholders interests and most of the time focusing on shareholders interests aren’t in the best interest of the shareholders themselves. Modern day short sellers being the most egregious example of this.