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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • And to add to that an outside vendor will almost always provide a better result because they actually have to work for their jobs, rather than their jobs being given to them. They also have to work in more venues so they are more flexible and able to customize your AV to meet your specific needs. Many of these in house crews have only a couple setups that they will do for a room and if your setup doesn’t fit that preset, tough.

    The only downside is, because their shop is not on site, last minute add ons are difficult if not impossible to do. So make sure you account for everything that is happening and communicate it with your AV company so they can spares for any last minute add ons you may want.

  • Obviously agree with everyone else here, I just wanted to add a personal tangent. Right before the crypto boon back in 2019-2020, I called that AI was going to be the next big thing and to invest in it. Obviously we’re seeing that, but I honestly think we probably only have about another year and a half to 2 of the AI gravy train before it does a dot com burst, and people realize it’s true value. It got so overinflated so fast people will eventually realize it’s just pattern recognition and matching and it can’t solve everything, then it will die down.

    The next one that will come is quantum computing in about 6-7 years. Not because it can “compute better than regular computers” but because quantum is able to spit out approximations so much faster than regular computers, it will have a huge boon in cloud based physics rendering, and large dataset analysis.