• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Gamify this stuff. Instead of a single silent alarm causing the players to get ambushed, have a threat level that you’re tracking that requires multiple triggers to end up in the worst case scenario. Give players in-game feedback that this is happening (they notice there’s a higher frequency of patrols, overhear guards getting new orders, etc). Give players mechanisms to reduce the threat level (waiting until things cool down, hacking security systems, stealth takedown of guards, etc).

    As much as it is tempting to do pure simulation in a realistic way, it doesn’t always make for a fun game. Fun almost always comes from interesting and meaningful decisions for the players. Having invisible triggers going off behind the scenes that the players will never know about is only interesting for the GM.

  • “Good looking” can run a very wide gamut here, but let’s assume your expectation there is reasonable. These are all attributes that most people want out of a partner, so you’re in the same boat most other people are. Are you actually going on dates and attempting to meet someone that fits these criteria?

    It sounds like you aren’t, and if the reason you aren’t is because you’re in love with a fictional person, then you should get some professional help. That isn’t reasonable or normal and is probably a symptom of wider issues in your life.