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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • The Article ENTIRELY ignores this point: “What you tend to find in that camp aren’t anything like revolutionaries but confused and hateful bigots who’re invested in every reactionary prejudice there is. We know this because decent people with any amount of solidarity refuse to stand with the shit the Trumpers do publicly and have been doing publicly for a long time. While a few of them may come around some day to some extent, most of them will remain on the capitalists’ side for life and as hazards to a genuinely revolutionary working-class movement. In the short term, it’s more realistic to plan to face them in combat than it is to think they’ll willingly renounce their ignorance.”

    -As if the coach is some otherwise wonderful, innocently ignorant guy, and not a willfully ignorant, egocentric psychopath.
