Rory Butler Music

Musician, producer and audio engineer!

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • It’s always the way, goes back to Dead Kennedys “nazi punks fuck off” and further.

    I think aggressive music will attract aggressive people, and bigots sure are aggressive.

    When the descendents put out a track celebrating Trump losing, all the comments were “keep politics out if your music” as if they hadn’t always had political leanings in their work, and if punk/hardcore isn’t one of the most politically charged genres.

    I think the actual scene is a lot nicer. Go to a show and people are mostly on the level. Look at online discussions and you’re more likely to find the people who fight in moshpits and get upset that women exist.

    Keep at it! Lots of hardcore folk are sweethearts and I have met more good than bad from all areas of the hardcore spectrum!

  • The wording was a tad dramatic.

    I can afford to eat. But I can’t afford housing and any enjoyment comes with guilt from knowing itll have a knock on effect to my finances. I’m living with a parent (who similarly struggles to pay bills)

    It’s more a case of finding it hard to hit the bills and not being able to see a future where I’m comfortable.

    I’d say it’s mostly due to the cost of living rather than the pay. 10 years ago I’d be doing quite well, but the pay grades haven’t changed to meet inflation or accommodate for the high cost of living.

  • I have a public service job.

    Can’t afford to live, get shouted at by callers irrelevant to my role each day just cos I am at a phone, can’t work from home despite the whole organisation doing so, higher paid people throw their workload at me cos they don’t want to do it.

    Feels no different from when i was in the private sector really.

  • I think its cos he’s found success without being technically “good” at the instrument. He’s become massive off a kinda garage band sound and relatively sloppy live work, and dudes who are more technical proficient are probably a bit bitter.

    But then I haven’t heard of much hate on Jack White really. I’ve heard negative comments about his playing but usually his songwriting is well received.