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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • What is the problem they’re so pragmatically a part of? And how do you pin both the content creators needing to eat and the reasonable take of that commenter on the poor Marketing executives who care about neither but just want–actually what do they (end goal of marketing, literally, semantically) want, in your eyes while you’re at it? It is their (the marketing execs) side I take it you’re on, since the commenter you replied to is part of the problem and the creators do “an ad is an ad” things?

    Challenge; remember capitalism exists in the world as it must as the beginning of your answer (but if you can make it vanish and it all works out by the end of the answer, that’s cool too as lots of us are looking for that one).

    How is that other commenter part of the problem, actually part of the problem suspect?

  • Promethiel@lemmy.worldtoComics@lemmy.mlXXX
    2 months ago

    I even wonder if it’s some sort of coordinated mass manipulation to prevent the increasingly radicalizing people from taking out the groups in power, by letting them fight against the older ones, while they prepare younger fascists to run the place, but that would be too much of a conspirational thought.

    It’s not much of a conspirational thought; it’s common sense blanket chaff laying.

    Ageism, racism, and ableism are easy and timeless levers to pull. Who did the Nazis blame for their problems (besides Jews, their own built-in trifecta of isms)?

    Edit: Nazis are just topical; pick any other axis power. Pick any civilization on Earth whilst they were getting their subjugating in, for that matter. I speak of human nature “always has been.jpg” monkey reaction shit.

    Othering works best when it’s programmed to work at a glance, and as demographics shift, age becomes as useful as racism to manipulate if you’re being paid by a handful of shit stains coordinating their self-defined supremacy (Billionaires. I mean the oligarchical dragons who own the information outlets).

    Too much of a conspirational thought? Please. It’s not even worth a line item in Repub Think Tanks strategy meeting; it’d be like saying the sky is blue or money makes you worthy for that kind. Axiomatic.

  • Promethiel@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlAre we the baddies?
    3 months ago

    I like how some people are claiming americans are aware of this lol

    What every revolution has had is people informing others about what the issue is

    If most americans were sufficiently aware and organizing against it accordingly

    The vast majority of successful revolutions are only those that had organized revolutionaries.

    OK. I see your messaging is at odds with itself and you understand the assignment.

    You got top spot on this here memetic sharing of ideas. Which message for the Americans at home who by virtue of reading you on Lemmy are closer to you than not?

  • Callous self-correctness loving asses with I ill-equipped imaginations.

    What risks does the illegal face in any action that exposes them to discovery in our empathy starved, systemic abusing system?

    The same one that keeps them walking amongst a populace that both hates them and loves to exploit them…

    The fact that whatever the hell it was they ran from and risked for getting in illegally into the US despite all the horrors that itself brings was actually a worse better choice than putting up with living with dumbass rhetoric like this.

    These are people seeking a life, not willing political pawns coming here to give a fuck about our game of thrones.

  • There’s a thin line between anguished despair and nihilistic optimism.

    A thin, intentional line.

    It can be alluded to, highlighted, charted, and otherwise discussed ad-infinitum, but it’s damn near impossible to lead another to.

    Only have one comment to read (and I’m sorry how much it cost) but it looks like you’re at peace indeed.

    Kudos to you, but remember you can backslide in acceptance and working back out is okay too!

  • Now keep in mind we have to be reasonable people and not driving our people beyond reasonableness.

    Ditch your suite, and go into executive exclusive consultancy.

    Just paraphrase the quoted section for each individual thick skull, and maybe teach them that softening the skin around your eyes and giving the beleaguered high performers bringing feedback a knowing look doesn’t violate business needs.

    Then you won’t have to worry about posts starting with “as an executive” going wrong.

    Well, no not really, but I know a board that needs to internalize that sentiment.

  • Absolutely. You’re forced through a slower burn in the books that is hard to appreciate until you’re many more books down.

    The show packed in the political intrigue and other elements earlier because it better fit the format, whereas on the books you first go through Holden and Miller’s PoV and throughout their different perceptions get introduced to the setting.

    Then the 2nd and 3rd books bring in a deeper view of those other political points of view. It then pats you for now having all of the info you need.

    Then it straps you into a jump seat and hits the juice with a few random stops and sudden decelerations before boosting off again for the remainder of the 8 books and novellas.

  • Absolutely. You’re forced through a slower burn in the books that is hard to appreciate until you’re many more books down.

    The show packed in the political intrigue and other elements earlier because it better fit the format, whereas on the books you first go through Holden and Miller’s PoV and throughout their different perceptions get introduced to the setting.

    Then the 2nd and 3rd books bring in a deeper view of those other political points of view. It then pats you for now having all of the info you need.

    Then it straps you into a jump seat and hits the juice with a few random stops and sudden decelerations before boosting off again for the remainder of the 8 books and novellas.

  • I thought you were gonna make some cool points about world building but then the ending came. To address your DnD example; that’s already covered by canon. Adventurers and what they earn (monetarily, influence, and good old finders keeper’s wise) is at minimum a whole order of magnitude above what the level 0s that make up the world’s backdrop have access to.

    A blind adventurer who is destitute could find a scroll of lesser restoration (not arguing it would work here or not, that’s DM fiat) or otherwise get access to restoration of some sort if sought.

    The blind after mining accident level 0 beggar is screwed, but the blinded by hunting accident noble could see by the end of the day.

    The blind from birth halfling who can not miss what they’ve never had before and who gets around just fine with blind sight, wouldn’t necessarily feel that there is anything to be fixed; use that wish people for legendary loot.

    That’s the bleakest and reality is stranger than fiction angle tho.

    They’re fictional worlds, it’s perfectly okay to make one in which differently abled people can feel represented without reality being a dick to them if you know, not being a dick is something that matters to you.

    Edit: Some typos.