• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • Les differences semblent être que:

    Pour les pro-autoroutes, la récolte a été fait sur une période contenant 2 weekends et sur des zones desservies par la future autoroute, tandis que les anti-autoroute ont ratissé plus large (l’ensemble des 2 départements) et sur une période en semaine.

    On peut supposer que les pro ont récolté plus d’avis de personnes qui travaillent et qui vont bénéficier de l’artère de communication, alors que les anti ont pris principalement des non-actifs et des personnes non concernés directement.


    “Il y a trois sortes de mensonges: le mensonge ordinaire, le parjure et les statistiques.”

    Chacun à fait un sondage en cherchant à obtenir la réponse qui soutiendrait son point de vue, et on n’est pas plus avancé.


  • Pity. But judging from your vernacular, you’re from a Western country, none of which have a stellar history

    FTFY. There’s not a country around that doesn’t have something dark in it’s closet. I feel that a real patriot would accept the dark parts of their country’s history, and work to make the future brighter rather than putting their fingers in their ears and going ‘nananana’.

    I’m not signaling any country out here since there isn’t a point.

    This does not mean that we should never point out bad stuff other countries are doing just because at some point in the past our country also did terrible shit. Raising the plight of the Uyghurs does not lighten what happened in Algeria, but neither can what happend in Algeria be used as a justification (or whataboutisme) for what’s currently happening in Xinjiang.

  • The point is that they’ve established a relationship between o16 levels and temperature, so if you’ve got twice the o16 then say it was 25% warmer (made up ratio, I haven’t read the study).

    This doesn’t tell us what the air temperature was, but it does tell us what it wasn’t (IE upper and lower bounds).

    When you have several of these proxies it helps narrow down the temperature range (think how your god works better when you have more satellites).

    Now if you know that the last seven days are the hottest on record and you know from your proxies that you are outside of temperatures of the past 100k years then it’s a pretty safe bet to state that we’re at the hottest time in the past 100k years.

    There is no melodrama or lying in this fact, unfortunately.